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"Little Lady! Come on, get your ass moving, I'm hungry." I have to chuckle as I come out of the house, offering a small smile to Digger as he sits on his bike looking as good as ever. Leather looks so damn good on that man.

"I'm coming, keep your panties on." He looks at me with a wink and a cheeky grin.

"No, Little Lady, you need to be taking yours off." I chuckle and swing onto his bike giving him a chaste kiss. Cheeky bastard. Digger has taken it upon himself to keep things interesting, once again becoming my savior. I'm sure he'll always be my savior. The thought makes me smile slightly as I kiss his exposed neck in silent thanks. I wrap my arms around his midsection earning a gentle squeeze to my hand. A silent love language between us. His bike roars to life easily, the engine vibrates between my thighs sending me straight to my comfort place, freedom.

"Hold on baby." Digger calls with a low chuckle as he rockets off earning another chuckle from me. The feeling of the wind whipping my hair soothes something deep in my core. There's always been something about the open air billowing past, the fresh scents flying past as faint memories. As always the ride into town is short lived, ending way too soon in my opinion. Not like that's ever gonna change.

"Ready for lunch Cowboy?" He gives me a droll look before his eyes twinkle.

"Not as ready as I am for my dessert." Digger wraps his arms around me, kissing me deeply making me chuckle into the searing kiss. I hum into the kiss as it continues wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer, putting on a show for the diner. They can watch all they want, this one is mine.

"Why don't you two kids get a room!" Snake calls out with a grin stretched across his features. Sarah looks up at him with a giggle and pushes his chest slightly.

"Oh hush, you act like you don't do that." Digger chuckles as he drops his arm over my shoulders.

"Please Snake, you're worse of a horn dog then I am." Axel looks at the pair of them, shaking his head as Angel smiles sweetly over the pair. She is such a motherly figure... Probably going to make a wonderful mother. For that fact, I'm sure Sarah will too. Her belly is barely showing now, in a few more weeks it'll be hard to hide the pregnancy. Not that it's easy now. Of course I've seen Snake and his inability to keep his hands from her belly. Makes it a touch harder to hide.

"Nah, you're just jealous big man, I got my woman first." Digger snorts as he flips him off.

"At least I didn't have to hump her leg to get her attention." Snake places his hand over his chest with a sweet, mocking grin.

"Just means my rewards are so much sweeter." His eyebrows waggle earning a gasp from Sarah as she swat at his chest with more umph this time.

"Snake!" He gives her a sheepish look with a youthful, boyish smile.

"What Red? You know you love me." She rolls her eyes with a mumbling grumble about her sanity as she looks at Angel.

"Why do I subject myself to this?" She chuckles with a smile and wink.

"Because love makes us do some stupid things." The pair share a laugh and I shake my head between the group. Love does make you do some stupid things, that's for sure. Axel rubs his wife side and kisses her head tenderly. It makes me stare at the pairs in thought. I can give Axel and Snake one thing, they have grown up. Far from the class clowns they were... well from what Axel was. Snake well... he's proof it's not just a faze.

"Come on ladies, it's time for grub, I'm starving." Digger announces and nods to the diner with a shake of his head. Axel offers a look and his middle finger earning a guaffing laugh from Digger. Boys will be boys. I roll my eyes as I follow them along, my thumb hooked in Digger's belt loop relaxed. My eyes scan the joint, seeing the fairly large crowd. My heart drops at the empathetic glances, the long stares and sympathetic smiles makes me avert my eyes to the surroundings.

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