Chapter 28

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"Koda! What the hell are you doing?" Papa asks, hollering over the engine of the truck as I back up to hook up a trailer. Looking at him I step out with a chuckle.

"I have to pick up a load in town." He arches an eyebrow at me, turning to glance back at the horse trailer with a confused glance.

"I didn't know we were getting more horses." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Kacey Bell's horse is done, she wants me to work with two others." And I have a pick up at the airport. He nods and glances at the three horse trailer I had opted with, rather than our two horses.

"And you need the three horse?" I smile at him, climbing into the bed of the truck to secure the trailer. It's been a few weeks since the little incident in the diner parking lot. With the wounds all healed up, I'm a happy little camper again. Even happier now that I know I have some backup rolling into town today. I'm smartening up. Gathering my support now that I started shaping up.

"I have some other product to bring back, The extra space will fit em just fine." I nodded with a slight smile. He stared at me for a moment and shook his head with a chuckle.

"Don't ask questions you don't want answered." He turns and walks away making me smirk. No need for extra witnesses. Securing the trailer I stand with a stretch, looking around I fix the ball cap on my head, scanning the grounds. The boys will be helpful for this shit show. To make sure I didn't embarrass myself when they came here. I've gotten back into my morning workouts, five mile jog on rough terrain, set up an old punching bag to work, and a few reps of some harder exercise. Back to the good ole days.

I'm sure my doctor and specialist would throw a bitch fit if they heard me throwing myself back into my morning routine. I'm sure they'd bitch if they knew my job. Once again, I don't really give a damn what they have to say anymore. They made my life a living hell for six whole months, adding onto the extensions of physical therapy; I ain't happy with them, not one bit. My hand rubs at my chest, still pissed at that day. That defective vest still pisses me off, that ended a lifelong dream of mine, one I wasn't finished living.

Life had other decisions. Shaking my head I drop my hand, jumping down to finish hooking up the trailer. My phone buzzes with a message, my eyes drop to read the message, nodding my head slowly. Good, they'll arrive by the time I'm finished chatting with Kacey. I slide my phone back into my pocket, before kicking away the wheel blocks to get this show on the road. It doesn't take long to get Autumn, the horse I was training for her loaded up and ready for the ride. I nod to Ryan and Papa as they stand talking by the barn.

Getting in I make the drive to her property driving through town with the windows down I ignore the sideways glances I've earned. Just like in high school. The thought brings a slight smirk to my features, everyone likes to talk around here, as long as it's on someone else's dime. With a chuckle I make it to Kacey Bell's farm on the edges of town, the old school family farm is always a pleasure to visit. Just large enough to feed their family and keep them all afloat. Shaking my head I pull onto their land scanning the pastures on one side before the tree line on the others.

With a slight chuckle I give a nod to a reflective light and keep on driving. I'll pick y'all up on the way out, keep your panties out of knots. Whistling I drive down the driveway, meeting the young woman and her family. They all stand around a pen with two horses, talking to them, the kids looking rather sad. I climb out and smile as Kacey Bell turns towards me offering a smile. "Hey, how are you Dakota?" I smile in return as I walk towards her and shake her hand.

"I'm doing alright? How have you been?" She shrugged, glancing down at my arm, curious.

"I've been alright, excited to get Autumn back, has she been good?" I nod with a chuckle.

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