Chapter 38

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Clover, the sweet and gentle girl she is, nuzzled their palms in search of cookies. Can't say that's surprising. While she is a spoiled girl who gets her fair share of cookies she isn't rotten about begging for them. Instead she nuzzles their hand expectantly and even gives her best woe is me melt your freakin heart brown eyes. Begging them for a delicious treat. Her expressive face nearly pouts when they move to give her neck pets making me want to smile. Such a sweet girl. "She's sweet." Jordan offers quietly, making me give him a slight smile and a nod.

"She is a sweet girl, do you want to meet your steed?" He looks at me skeptical as Ryan halts near us Coco looks unenthused with it all, just slightly interested in the possibility of cookies. Spoiled rotten babies. With a nod I pull Jordan to Coco, sticking my head out to him. "This is Coco, he's a good boy, very relaxed and a bit lazy if I'm honest." I attempt to light his spirit, lord knows that they could use a bit of a break.

He offers a small smile as he pets his nose softly. "What are we going to do?" Jordan asks, making me glance at him as Delaney sniffles quietly behind me. I see his red eyes and I have to shake my head with a soft sigh. What do I even say to that? To make it better?

"We'll take this one step at a time ok? Let's start by getting you both back to the house, ok?" I ask gently, earning a nod and a sigh.

"Yeah... thanks Koda." He murmures quietly and I nod.

"I'll take care of this, now come on, mount up." I instruct with a nod to Coco, Jordan stares at the saddle like it's a foriegn language making me shake my head amused. "Come on, step up with your left leg and kick over with your right leg." I bend my knee and offer him my arm to hold onto as he mounts up. He takes a moment to watch me wearily before following instructions carefully. Delaney mounts from the ground with only a slight shake, she bounces twice before pulling herself up.

A small shakey smile morphs her features for a brief moment, taking pleasure in remembering the simple act. With all she's been through in the past few hours, it's a wonder she could even manage that. I have to admire her bravery and courage, both of their bravery and courage. I couldn't even imagine finding your last living parent dead on your couch with a threatening letter to boot. Not a good morning that's for fucking sure. "Koda... where are we gonna go?" I look at her as I move to Harley. That's a great question.

"To be honest, I'm not sure right now, I need to figure out what's going on. But you are more than welcome to stay with me until we can get this figured out. We can talk to your aunt and uncle, I'll see if they can let you stay with them for a bit, until things cool down ok?" I'm more worried about bringing these two back to the house right now, sleeping arrangements aren't on the forefront of my mind right about now.

"Koda, should I call the sheriff?" Calling makes a record and that'll make it harder to handle my problems with little miss prissy. I give him a look but I'm saved from answering as Delaney cries and shakes her head vigorously.

"NO! You can't, no police, there can't be any police." I look at her confused as Jordan glances towards me, looking around conspiratively.

"There was writing... No cops, No police... no witnesses." My eyes fall to Digger's as he arches a brow. Pruszkow. I rub my face and nod.

"Alright, let's worry about getting you two back to the house and then... I'll look into that ok?" I earn nods before I mount up on Harley. Ryan nods and starts leading them back, Coco, is eager to follow him, Delaney steers Clover up next to her brother, wanting to stay close. Digger gives me a look as we fall into line a distance back.

"Why would... you sure?" I look at him with a grunt.

"I've seen enough remnants from that end of the world to know the saying, I know who's behind this, it's very clear to see." I stare ahead, watching where we are going as I get lost in thought.

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