Chapter 12

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Riding into the ranch, with the harsh sun beating down on me, I'm more than ready to get off. I feel like I'm starting to ride like Ryan. Nearing the barn, I look around seeing Tommy and Devon sitting on the back of their horses watching Scotty work with Apache, having a bit more luck than the last time I watched him. "Look who's back!" I hear Tommy call out, making me chuckle and shake my head.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are you slackers up to?" Cussing draws my attention towards the ring as Scotty is getting tossed around by Apache. I'm not shocked there, the boy needs some work with his riding.

"We're just getting back from fixing some fencing. Sheriff stopped by to talk to ya." Looking at him, I finally give him a shrug. Oh well, I'm sure Kevin complained to the man about me firing at him. Let's face it, there were too many witnesses for me to actually hit the fucker.

"Sucks for him then, I have work that I need to do." Devon laughs, shaking his head, turning I watch as Scotty climbs back into the saddle. Good for him.

"Dakota, it's good you're here. I have a lunch meeting lined up, you wanna come?" Ryan's voice has me turning to look at him, nodding in answer I nudge Harley on.

"Yeah, let me take care of Harley. How has shit been here?" I ask him as I ride into the barn, making him walk with me. Dismounting, my legs buckle as I grip onto the stirrup for support. After a moment or two I finally start pulling tack off inspecting it, I need to clean it again. Great.

"Good, Sheriff needs to talk to you when you're in town next." I roll my eyes nodding.

"Lucky for him that'll be today. Did he say what I did this time?" Seeing his shrug, I finish up with Harley, putting him in his stall for the day. He is one tired boy. Tomorrow he'll be able to visit his friends, and get into some kind of trouble. Loading up into the truck I let my muscles relax, I'm going to sleep good tonight.

"He didn't say." With the Sheriff I never know, it could be that I just pissed off someone, or he needs my help. It's a roll of the dice, it always makes it interesting. Pulling into the diner my stomach growls, I'm starving, past starving at this point. "Ready for food?" I chuckle, pushing my braid over my shoulder as I get out.

"More than ready, I've reached my limit with energy bars. Are these four for security?" He nods as we enter the building.

"They have their files, I wasn't sure if you'd be back in time." I nod watching as four men stand up seeing Ryan, these must be the new recruits.

"Military backgrounds?" He nods continuing to walk on.

"Hey you!" A familiar voice has me turning, spotting the culprit before a grin crosses over my face. Just the man I wanted to see, chuckling I stepped over to the full table, seeing three familiar faces and one new one.

"Hey, yourself Cowboy." Lifting my shades, I rest my hand on the back of the booth seeing Digger staring at me with a grin. I nod to the Angel and Axel, seeing a man I know I've met before sitting beside a girl I've never seen.

"I haven't heard from you in a hot minute." Pulling out my phone I turned it on, I probably missed his phone call.

"Sorry Cowboy, I was out on that ride I mentioned to ya. It ran a little longer than I thought." I finally shrug, looking down at him. He chuckles wrapping an arm around my waist bringing me closer to him before looking over the other occupants at the table.

"Dakota this is Builder and Red, I don't know if you've met them yet." I look at the pair, and have to raise an eyebrow, Builder? Biker names are getting interesting.

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