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Lyra Black was a completely normal girl, with completely normal powers, but not a completely normal scar. You must be wondering how a scar is not normal? Well you see, it's not the scar that makes it not normal, but who else has the scar. The famous Harry Potter, the boy who defeated The dark Lord at one years old, and the boy who lived, has it too. Just visible to the eye, Harry Potter has a lightning scar, almost hidden behind his mop of hair, and coincidently, Lyra has it too. But not on her forehead, just under her wrist, able to hide under long sleeve tops, and the jumpers her mother always bought her.

" Always hid it Lyra." Her mother would always say,

" Don't let anyone see it." She always pestered, until it was burnt in her brain, just like the scar was burnt on her skin. When Lyra was five, she finally asked her mother to why she had to hide the scar, to which her mother replied:

" To keep you safe my darling, to keep you with me."

Of course Lyra didn't understand what her mother was talking about, she was only five at the time. But the little girl became more curious as the years when on, asking more and more inquisitive questions to her mother and father.

" Why do I have to hide my scar, what's so special about it?"

" Because it keeps you safe dear, it keeps you normal and hidden." Her parents replied.

" But why do I have to be hidden?"

" Because it's a dangerous world, we don't want no one coming after you."

" But why would anyone want to come after me, I'm not special."

" Because some people go after non special people, and that's what makes them special."

" Okay? But why is my scar the same as Harry Potter's."

" Just a coincidence darling, you burnt your self when you were a baby." ( which wasn't a completely lie)

" Okay, but why is my name Black??"

Her parents took a bit longer to answer this question, which made a million more pop into Lyra's head.

" Because we wanted to keep the Black name running in our family."

" But that doesn't make any sense, your parents disowned you when you married dad, why would you want a reminder of them?"

" Yes- well- once upon a time they were lovely people, and well-"

" But that doesn't excuse their behaviour mum, so why would you give me your maiden name? And why doesn't Dora have Black as her last name as well?"

Both parents didn't know what to say, no excuse could get them out of this one, now their daughter was becoming smarter by the day.

" Dora doesn't have the Black name because we didn't think we were going to have any more children after her and-"

" But if the Black name was so important to you and you didn't think you were going to have me, it would make sense to give it to Dora, yes?"

" Yes- well we wanted to give it to you Lyra and that's that, so just please don't ask us anymore questions."

" But-"

" Lyra!!"

So Lyra didn't ask about her scar, or her last name, or ask why she always had the same dream of screaming and a flash of green light, or why she found pictures of herself as a baby with a man and a woman who had cut out faces and a charm bracelet with a moon charm, a dog charm and a Lyra constellation charm, in a box underneath her parents bedroom floorboards, or ask why she could talk to and understand snakes. Until she went to Hogwarts anyway.

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