Chapter five: Platinum Prats and Dementors

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" Well, look who it is," An annoying voice came from the entrance of the compartment door, making Lyra roll her eyes " Potty and the Weasel," The two gorilla looking bodyguards that constantly followed Draco chuckled beside him " I heard your father has finally got his hands on some gold this summer Weasley, did your mother die of shock?"

Ron immediately stood up from his chair, causing Lyra to stand as well and the Professor to snort sleepily.

" Not as shocked as your mum was when she found out she have birth to such a disappointment." Lyra smiled smugly. Draco gave a deathly glare at Lyra while Ron snickered behind her, but his attention quickly turned to the teacher behind them.

" Who's that?" Draco said, taking a step back.

" New teacher," Harry said, now getting up to stand beside Lyra and smiled just as smug as her " What was that you were saying Malfoy?" Draco glared at Harry, then at Lyra.

" To think I'm related to the likes of you." Draco said, raising his nose up at her.

" To think that I'm related to a platinum prat like you!" Lyra scoffed, making her friends laugh but Draco give her a deathly glare.

" Come on." Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle, and they left. They all sat down in their chairs and let out a sigh of relief as Professor Lupin was not woken.

" I'm not gonna take any rubbish from him this year!" Ron said angrily, as he rubbed his knuckles " I mean it! If he makes one more crack about my family, I'm gonna get hold of his head and-" he then did a violent strangling action, that made Lyra and Harry laugh.

" Ron!" Hermione whispered frantically " Be careful." But the Professor was still fast a sleep. Rain pored even more heavily as the train went further along the tracks to Hogwarts. The windows had now fogged over and the wind was a loud as ever, but still the Professor didn't wake up. Lyra and Hermione had now gotten back to their reading, and Ron had now pulled out a magazine with The Chudley Cannons printed across it all smiling and waving. Harry on the other hand, had resorted into drawing a penis on the foggy window.

" Oh, real mature Harry!" Hermione said, rolling her eyes at the boy.

" I'm bored!" Harry said, rolling his eyes " What do you expect for me to do?!"

" I don't know, how about read." Hermione said, shrugging her shoulders. Harry starred at Hermione for a while with a serious look on his face, before laughing his head off.

" Me! Read!" Harry laughed, and now had resorted to clutching his stomach.

" Really Hermione, that was a silly suggestion." Lyra laughed, as she closed her book and put it on the seat.

" And what are you doing?" Hermione said, raising an eyebrow.

" Joining in of course." Lyra said rolling her eyes, and now moving over to the window as close as she could.

" Welcome to the dark side." Harry smiled evilly. Ron also put down his magazine and attempted to move towards the window as well, before Hermione shot him a look and he picked back up his magazine and started to grumble.

" We must be nearly there," Ron said, looking past the Professor at the now dark, boob and penis covered window. As soon as the last word left his mouth the train started to slow down " Brilliant!" He said, getting up and looking more closely out of the window " I'm starving, I want to get to the feast!"

" We can't be there yet." Hermione said, looking at the window- a disapproving look on her face- then she looked at her watch.

" Then why are we stopping?" Ron said. The train was getting slower and slower, and the rain sounded even louder on the windows. Lyra stood up and opened the compartment door and looked out into the hallways, as many other students were doing. All of a sudden the train came to a sudden stop and thumps from other compartments were heard from their luggage falling.

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