The Beginning

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Lyra Black was more than exited to attend Hogwarts, she had heard such great things about it from her sister and she couldn't wait to go herself. She was mainly looking forward to the trip to Hogwarts, because of all the sweets and chocolates you get.

" Let me have a look at you." Lyra's mum ( Andromeda) said, placing each of her hands at the side of Lyra's face. Andromeda's eyes were tearing up, as she moved Lyra's face side to side, seeing if she left any jam on her face from the toast she had that morning. Andromeda took one of her hands off Lyra's face and brought it to her mouth and licked her thumb before scrubbing at the sticky substance on her cheek.

" Mum!" Lyra groaned, pushing her mother's hands away from her face.

" I'm just getting the jam off your face dear, I don't want anyone picking on you because you have a bit of jam on your face." Andromeda said, folding her arms.

" I think it's a bit late for that." Lyra winced, looking over her shoulder to see a couple of children that looked like they were in first year, laughing at her.

" Come on Dromeda," Lyra's father ( Ted) said, putting his arm around his wife's shoulder " She getting a bit too old for that." He chuckled.

" Yes, I believe so." Andromeda said, pressing her lips into a thin line. Suddenly, something or someone caught Andromeda's eye over Lyra's shoulder. Lyra gave a confused look to her mother, before turning around to see what she was looking at. Looking back at her mother was an older woman, around her mothers age, with brown hair with blond underneath. She gave her mother a sad smile, to which her mother gave one back before clutching Lyra's shoulder. The woman's eyes quickly flicked down to Lyra and her eyes widened. Andromeda's grip became tighter, and she moved Lyra closer, so her back was pressed up against her. The woman looked like she was about to walk over, before a first year boy with blonde hair claimed her attention, making her mother's grip loosen.

" Who was that mum?" Lyra said peering up to her mother.

" No one dear." Andromeda quickly answered.

" Come on you better be boarding the train before all the compartments are full." Lyra's big sister ( Nymphadora) said, moving forward. Lyra nodded and shifted her backpack, which had her school robes in.

" Is it that time already?" Andromeda said, moving her fingers to her mouth.

" I guess so." Ted said, scratching his beard.

" Come here." Andromeda said, holding her arms open so Lyra could enter them. Lyra rushed into her mother arms, it would be the first time ever that she wouldn't see her mother and father everyday, and she was a little bit nervous about staying in a school with a bunch of strangers.

" I'll miss you mum." Lyra said, giving her mother a squeeze.

" I'll miss you more," Andromeda said " Remember dear-"

" I know I know, keep my scar hidden." Lyra said, rolling her eyes and backing away from her mothers embrace.

" Hunny-" Andromeda began.

" My turn my little freckle monster." Ted said, bringing Lyra into an all devouring hug. Lyra giggled and hugged her father back. " Now I know your disappointed about tryouts for quidditch." Ted said, bringing Lyra at arms length.

" It's not fair dad, why do I have to wait until second year for tryouts." Lyra groaned.

" It's only a year freckles." Nymphadora said ruffling Lyra's loose braided hair.

" Dora!" Lyra giggled, swatting Nymphadora's hands away. A train whistle then went off, causing the family to frown. " Well, I guess I better go." Lyra said, slowly walking back towards the train.

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