Chapter seven: Readings and secrets

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" I told you it wouldn't work out well." Lyra said, as they walked the remaining steps to Divination.

" They're just sore losers." Ron said, rubbing his bum. Lyra had done the task that Ron had wanted her to do at breakfast for their bet, she did receive a telling off and a warning from Professor McGonagall but it wasn't as worse as Ron's consequence from the twins. After breakfast, they had hidden around the Great Hall's doors and waited for Ron to walk by so they could wedge the living daylights out of him, most certainly giving him a rather nasty case of friction burn.

" Just go to Ms Pomfrey!" Hermione said, as they reached the top of the stairs.

" You really think I'm going to go to her so she can have a look at my bum, I don't think so." Ron said.

" Sybil Trelawney, Divination teacher." Harry read from the circular trap door on the roof.

" Well how are we bloody supposed to get up there!" Lyra said, hands on her hips as she looked up. As though someone was listening in on their convocation, the trap door flung open and descended silver ladder right at their feet and the whole class went quiet.

" After you," Ron said, nodding up at the ladders making Harry roll his eyes but was still the first one to climb them anyway with Lyra and the class following behind him. Heat was the first thing Lyra noticed about the class room, well if you could even call it that. More like somebody's attic that they use to store their tea cups and other divination items. Lyra figured out that the heat was caused by the fireplace and all the windows covered by thick curtains " Where is she?" Ron said from Harry and Lyra's shoulder.

" Not sure." Lyra said, looking around the room, but a mystical voice erupted out of the shadows.

" Welcome, how nice to see you in the physical world at last." Professor Trelawney, stepped into the fire light so the class could get a better look at her. She wore glasses that made her eyes 100 times bigger than they originally were, and was wearing a long draped shawl that disguised her thin frame and had beads and bangles that almost swallowed her whole.

" So she's a crackpot then?" Lyra whispered to Harry, making him snicker.

" Sit my children, sit!" Professor Trelawney said, wafting her arms at the twenty desks set out across the room.

" Yeah, defiantly a crackpot." Harry whispered back to Lyra, this time making her snicker as they walked to their seats, Lyra, Ron, Hermione and Harry all sitting around the same round table.

" Welcome to Divination," Professor Trelawney said, sitting down on her own chair " My name is Professor Trelawney, you may not have seen me before I find that descending to often into the hustle and bustle of the main school, clouds my inner eye," The whole classroom was silent at her words, but Lyra and Harry gave each other a knowing look both thinking the same thing:

'100% A crackpot'

" So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts, must warn you with the outset that if you do not have the sight, then there is very little that I am able to teach you. Books can only take you so far in this field," Ron and Harry took this chance to look at Hermione and Lyra and smile mischievously as books would not help them in this subject at all. Lyra wasn't as affected by this new though, she had always had a hack for picking up things quite quickly ( with books or not) but it was Hermione that look mortified at this statement.

" Many witches and wizards, talented though they are in the area of loud bangs and smells, and sudden disappearances are yet unable to penetrate the vail of mysteries of the future," Her eyes looked upon every nervous and sceptical face in the class room " It is a gift granted to few, you boy!" She said, pointing a Neville who nearly fell off his poof " Is your grandmother well?"

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