Chapter sixteen: Answers and Truth

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It had been three days since Lyra had come back home... three long days.

Lyra had come to the quick conclusion that she wouldn't talk to her parents unless it was about the truth of her heritage. Which had led to a very quiet home and now a very awkward and silent Christmas Eve dinner.

" Well... this is... fun!" Dora said sarcastically, and all that was replied was the clattering of cutlery and a harsh glare from her parent " What?"

" So... erm Lyra dear," Ted said, trying to break the awkwardness after a while " How's...quidditch?"

A wave of irritation washed over Lyra, she could feel her ears getting redder as the silent seconds went by.

" Well, ever since I; fell fifty feet, broke my rib, gained a concussion and my broom was totally destroyed, I believe it's going quite well Ted." Lyra had hit a nerve as Ted flinched a little and continued to silently eat his food.

" Lyra!" Andromeda stared wide eyed at the girl in shock that she had accidentally called Ted... well Ted.

" Andy." Lyra stared blackly back at the woman she believed was her mother, and she could slowly see Dromeda's face go a deep shade a red.

" You apologise to your father right now young lady!" Andy began to raise her voice, and pointed her index finger in the direction of Ted.

" Andy there's no need-" Ted began.

" Quite Ted!" Andy said, angrily staring back at Lyra " Right. Now. Or so help me Lyrandar Roselyn Lupus Black!"

Lyra hated her real name. She hated it that much that she made her " parents" change it on the school register so non of the students ( or her friends) would find out. Not even her family called her Lyrandar, and it was only meant for serious situations or when she was in deep deep trouble in the privacy of their own home. But even then, she could help herself but wince slightly at the mention of her real name. However, she wouldn't. Back. Down.

" No." Lyra fouled her arms and leaned back in her chair to glare at the woman turning red in front of her.

" What did you say?!" Andy stood up from the table and Lyra was quick to follow.

" I said no, N-O. And to be honest Andy, it would be quite hard to do so, since apparently my " father" is a raging lunatic murder running around trying to kill me and my best mate, well I don't even know if he is any more because he won't even look at me and hasn't written to me AT ALL since I got here! And fair to him you know, I wouldn't write to me either if my mates dad was the reason I don't have parents! Not to mention it also turns out that my parents," She pointed a hard finger towards Andy and Ted,

" Yeah well it turns out they've been lying to me my entire life and everything that I know is a lie! And after all of that I'm more fixed on the fact that I'm probably ( most likely) going to loose the one person who could actually tolerate my crude humour, would actually listen to me rant about quidditch and weird tendencies, and that I actually- to hell with that, you guys should be the ones apologising to me, not the other way around because I have a right to be angry! And- and you guys," tears started to form in her eyes " Well you guys would just rather play d-dumb and ignore the fact that I'm desperate to know who I really am and where I come from!" The whole table was now silent and staring at Lyra with sadness in their eyes, which Lyra hated as she hated crying in front of people and people pitying her " So no. I won't apologise." And she slumped back down on her chair, and resumed poking at the cold salmon that was on her plate like nothing had happened.

" Right then." Andromeda calmly said and headed towards the stairs. Lyra sat up straight. She was assuming her mother would shout. Cry. Anything! But instead she just went upstairs as if nothing had just happened. Lyra began to fiddle with her charm bracelet, refusing to look up from her plate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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