Chapter eight: Hippogriffs and Something New

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" What are you hiding?" Harry said, walking up to Lyra as they walked to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures. Harry hadn't had anytime to ask Lyra this question earlier as they had gone straight to lunch after Transfiguration and Ron and Hermione had gotten into a bit of an argument on if the grim was in fact a warning that Harry and Lyra should take seriously, which now caused them not to talk to one another giving Harry the perfect chance to talk to Lyra.

" I'm not hiding anything." Lyra said, a bit too quickly for Harrys liking.

" I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I sure as hell know when you're lying to me and when you're keeping a secret, so spill what are you hiding?" Harry said, as they got closer to Hagrid's hut.

" I-I can't tell you here," Lyra said, looking nervously around to see if anyone was listening in " To be honest It'll be easier if I showed you," Harry furrowed his eyebrows " After everyone's got to bed, I'll show you Hermione and Ron what I've been hiding," Harry then nodded and Lyra smiled, but that smile was soon a scowl as she set eyes on very familiar blond hair " Oh Merlin we have class with these twats." The quartet walked closer to Hagrid, and he was looking around and the children looking around eagerly with Fang sitting next to his foot.

" Come on you lot, get a move on!" Hagrid shouted, as more students approached  " Got a real treat for yer today, geat lesson coming up. Everyone here? Right, follow me." Harry and Lyra both shared a wide eyed look, as for one heart stopping moment they both thought that Hagrid would be leading them into the dark forest but thankfully he led them around the edge of the trees and towards an empty paddock " Everyone gather around the fence here, that's it, make sure you can see, now first thing you want to do, is open your books."

" How?" Draco said.

" Aye?" Hagrid said.

" How do we open our books?" Draco said, taking out his own copy of ' The Monster Book of Monsters', and so did the others. Hagrid took one of the books as it tried to bite him, but then ran a finger down its spine and it shivered and opened " Oh how silly we've all been, we should've stroked them, why didn't we guess!"

" Draco how do you stay a constant prat throughout the day, really isn't it tiering?" Lyra said, rolling her eyes which made Draco scowl.

" I-I thought they were funny." Hagrid said looking at Lyra and Hermione.

" Oh tremendously funny, really witty giving us books that try and rip our hands off!" Draco sneered.

" Shut up Malfoy." Harry said.

" I think we would all preferer the book rip your mouth off, then we wouldn't have to hear your increasingly annoying voice, GOD I'm already starting to get a headache I think that's a new record Draco!" Lyra said,  innocently at Draco.

" Er right then," Hagrid said, looking down fallen " So you've got your books, an' an' now you need the magical creatures, yeah, so I'll go and get em', hang on!" Hagrid walked away from them, and out of sight into the dark forest and Fang stayed behind so he could nuzzle up to Lyra's leg. 

" Hey they Fang, aren't you a good boy." Lyra said, and started to scratch Fang so he rolled over.

" God this place is going to the dogs," Draco said, hitting a nerve Lyra had and caused Fang to raise his head up at him " This oaf teaching classes, my father will have a fit when I tell him!"

" Shut up Malfoy." Harry said again.

" Yeah no one wants to know about what you dad thinks, besides we all know you have daddy issues, you should write a song about it!" Lyra said, making the Gryffindor's laugh and some of the Slytherins snicker under their breaths.

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