Chapter one: The man they call Black

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" He's coming." Lyra looked wildly around, but the only thing she could see was mist and the moonlight.

" Hello?" Lyra said, still taking in her strange surroundings " Who's there?"

" He's coming." The Misty voice said once again, sounding closer to where Lyra was.

" Who's coming?" Lyra said, walking towards the voice.

" The man who's shares your name, the man who's been waiting, the man who's coming for you, and the man that's coming for Harry." The voice said, sounding like it was in her ear.

" Who!?" Lyra said, spinning around, expecting to see someone but was only met by a gush of mist " Who's coming for me and Harry!?"

" The man... The man they call Black." The misty voice said, starting to move away. Lyra's heart stopped at the name.

" W-what? Why would he want us?" Lyra said, all the bravery sucked out of her.

" To make things right, to finish what he started." A sudden scream made Lyra look away from where the voice was coming from, and turn towards the scream.

" Lyra!" A voice shouted. Lyra immediately recognised it as Harry's and didn't waist no time on running towards it.

" Harry!" Lyra shouted, summoning all her strength on pushing towards him.

" Lyra help me!" Harry shouted. Lyra got to an opening where the mist didn't touch. She looked wildly around and then she saw Harry clinging onto his bloody leg while resting on a tree Lyra recognised as the whomping willow.

" Harry!" Lyra said, with a hint of relief in her voice, but that didn't last. A giant black shaggy dog stood in front of Harry and growled at Lyra, showing all of its sharp teeth. This made Lyra terrified, but the glance at Harry's hurt face, still clutching his bloody leg made all that disappear. All the fear that was in Lyra, turned into determination. The dog growled again, even more fierce than the last time, but it didn't phase Lyra. She smirked at the dog then started running towards it until she was close enough to change into her animagus. Jumping into the air, Lyra changed into a black dog with a white patch on her eye, just a bit smaller than the other dog she was facing. Just about to pounce on the dog, Lyra was knocked out of the air with so much force all the air escaped from her lungs and landed on the ground with a hard thud.

" Ugh." Overcome with pain, Lyra was forced to shift back to her own body. Lyra looked up at the thing that hit her, and saw a towering werewolf looking at her with a deathly gaze. The werewolf got on all fours and started circling the girl.

" Lyra help!" Harry shouted. Lyra looked away from the werewolf, to see Harry being dragged down the hole underneath the whomping willow.

" Harry!" Lyra tried to get up, but was immediately knocked down by the werewolf, this time pinned down with its hand on her neck.

" Lyra!" Harry said, trying to craw out the hole while reaching out for her.

" Harry." Lyra gasped, struggling to breathe while reaching out for him. But it was no use, and with the lack of oxygen everything went black.

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Lyra woke up breathless and sweaty, wildly she looked around to see she was back in her bedroom safe. " It's okay Lyra," she thought " Just a bad dream." Unable to fall back asleep, Lyra climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs to hear the unmistakable voice's of her parents arguing in the kitchen.

" No Ted she is not going!" Andromeda shouted.

" But why, me and you both know he wouldn't hurt her, it's the boy he's after!" Ted shouted back.

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