Chapter fourteen: Honeydukes and All is revealed

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" If you dare get us a cockroach cluster then you guys are no longer our friends!" Lyra said from behind Hermione and Ron, making then jump slightly. Fred and George were right, the passage way led right to Honeydukes, all they had to do it sneak past the owners to get upstairs to the hustle and bustle of the shop.

" Lyra, Harry!" Hermione jumped and turned around to look at the two wide eyed " How did you two get here?"

" You haven't learnt to apparate have you?!" Ron smiled brightly at the two.

" Yep I'm a kid genius I am!" Lyra placed her hands on her hips like a superhero pose, and Harry playfully nudged her.

" Course we haven't!" Harry laughed, and then lowered his voice ( so no one could hear) to tell the friends about the map that Fred and George had given them.

" How comes they didn't give it to me?!" Ron huffed " I'm their bloody brother!"

" Well they're not gonna keep it!" Hermione said as if it was obvious " They're going to hand it in aren't you?"

" Erm, no I'm not!" Harry said.

" Like hell we are!" Lyra rolled her eyes.

" Are you mad woman?!" Ron goggled at Hermione " Handing in something that good?!"

" Don't call me woman Ronald." Hermione glared at him.

" Well don't talk crazy then!" Ron replied.

" Listen, if we hand it in" Harry motioned towards himself and Lyra " They're then gonna ask where we got it from."

" Then they're gonna know we got it from Fred and George," Lyra added on " And the Filch would hang them by their toe nails or something like that for nicking from him!"

" But what about," Hermione looked around carefully to make sure no one was listening " Sirius Black."

Lyra tensed at his name. It was bad enough that she had to be followed around everywhere like a child but now people at Hogwarts were starting to connect the two together, she was the only one at Hogwarts with the last name Black after all.

" Listen Hermione we have nothing to worry about!" Harry said " The only way Black would know how to use the secret passageways is if he had the map, which he doesn't! And even if he did know he'd be crazy stupid to try them with Dementors patrolling Hogsmade at nightfall!"

" Well from the looks of it it isn't night yet, so what if he comes now hmm?" Hermione placed her hands on her hips, like a mum telling off her kids.

" Well he'd have his work cut out for him trying to find them through this lot!" Ron snickered, pointing at the large crowd in Honeydukes and Hermione didn't look impressed " Come on Mione! It's Christmas! They deserve a break."

" And I'm going home after dinner!" Lyra whined. Hermione bit her lip and looked between Lyra and Harry worriedly.

" Look are you gonna report us Hermione." Harry folded his arms and grinned at Hermione.

" Erm." Hermione looked nervously at Harry.

" Come on Mon," Lyra said, walking up next to her and twirled her hair with her finger " You're not gonna report up are youuuuuu?"

" Erm-no- of course not but-!"

" Great thanks love!" Lyra kissed Hermiones cheek and turned towards Ron " Show us where the fizzing Whizzbees then Ron, I wanna make sure I get enough of them for the train back!"

" Can you please stop reminding me that you're leaving me!"

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