Chapter four: Train fights and Perfect Hair

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The four looked at each other confused at the fact that and adult was sleeping in their compartment. Not only was it strange to see a man sleeping in their compartment, but it was just strange to see an adult at all on the train - well except from the witch that pushes the food trolly. The man had shabby clothes, looked incredibly tired, and for someone that looked young- early 30's ish- had small patches of grey hair.

" Who do you think he is?" Ron whispered as they walked into their compartment and slid the door shut. They all reached up and rubbed the carved in initials as a kind of good luck charm for the year - though it never worked:

J.F.P, S.O.B, R.A.L, R.J.L, P.N.P

And the date:

1971- 1978

" Professor R.J Lupin." Hermione whispered, as they sat down, her and Ron sitting the furthest away from the window on R.J Lupin's side, and Lyra and Harry sitting down onto the opposite seats - Harry sitting the nearest to the window.

" How did you know that? Ron said.

" It's on his case." Hermione said, pointing at his case that was on the luggage rack above his head.

" Lupin?" Harry said, turning to Lyra - who was now reaching into her bag to grab her book- " Sounds a lot like Lupus don't you think?"

" Coincidence I guess," Lyra said, shrugging as she opened her book " Lupus comes from the constellation, which is a wolf, guess my parents had a wired thing for wolves." Such a coincidence that his initials even matched up with one of the initials that they rubbed, but she thought nothing of it.

" Wonder what he teaches?" Ron said, looking at the Professor warily.

" Well it's obviously," Hermione whispered, as she and Lyra rolled her eyes " There's only one vacancy isn't there? Defence against the dark arts!"

" Well I hope he's up for it!" Ron said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms " Looks like one good hex could finish him off doesn't it? Anyway, what was it that you wanted to tell us!" Harry explained all about how Sirius Black was after him and the conversation that he and Lyra had just had with Mr Weasley, and Lyra told them about how he was her cousin and would potentially try to kidnap her to get to Harry.

" Sirius Black escaped to come after you!" Hermione said, after she finally removed her hands away from her mouth " Oh Harry! You'll have to be really really careful, don't go looking for trouble Harry!"

" I don't go looking for trouble!" Harry said, slightly raising his voice and leaning forward, but immediately calmed down when Lyra nodded over to the Professor " Trouble usually finds me," Lyra gave a little high pitched laugh, causing Harry to look over to her and glare slightly " And what's that supposed to mean?!" He said, folding his arms.

" Oh I think you know what I'm laughing at." Lyra said, flipping over the page in her book without looking up.

" I don't think I do," Harry said raising his eyebrow " Care to elaborate?" Lyra huffed and marked her book before closing it.

" Come on Lyra, Hermione and Ron let's try and get to the philosophers stone before Snape," Lyra said, mocking Harry's high pitched first year voice making Hermione and Ron laugh, but Harry glare in their direction " Doesn't matter if there's a bloody three headed dog guarding the entrance though because we can play it fucking music!" This made Ron burst out into laughter, but Hermione had to quick cover his mouth and the Professor moved slightly.

" But come on now," Ron said, after Hermione had removed her hand from his mouth " How thick dose Harry have to be to go look for a nutter who wants to kill him!" It appeared to Harry and Lyra, that Ron and Hermione weren't taking the news as well as they'd thought. Hermione was starting to look nervously between Harry and Lyra, and Ron's leg was now bouncing up and down " On one knows how he got out of Azkaban, I mean no ones every done it before," Ron said, as he started to fumble with his hands " And he was a top security prisoner too!"

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