Chapter eleven: Bubbling Feelings and Quidditch

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" Sleep well." Professor Dumbledore said shutting the door to the main hall, and immediately the whole hall bursted into gossip.

After the news of Sirius Black attacking the Fat Lady had spread around the castle, Dumbledore thought that it would be best if everyone slept in the great hall for the night while the teachers searched for him.

" Everyone into their sleeping bags!" Percy called out, as the head boy and girl were in charge " Come on, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

" Come on." Ron said, and motioned over to a corner of the hall. The four of them took one of the maroon sleeping bags each and then dragged them into that corner.

" Do you think Black's still in the castle?" Hermione whispered.

" Of course I am, where else would I be?" Lyra smiled trying to defuse Hermione's anxiousness, and Hermione rolled her eyes with a smile at Lyra's attempt.

" Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be," Ron said.

" It's very lucky he picked tonight you know," Hermione said, as they took off their shoes and other pieces of clothing that weren't needed then climbed into their sleeping bags " The one night we weren't in the tower!"

" Yeah and the one night we ( minus Ron) looked like we've murdered someone!" Lyra said, resting her chin on her hand.

" Maybe he's lost track of time, being on the run," Ron said " Didn't realise it was Halloween, otherwise he would've come bursting in here!" Hermione then shuddered.

" Don't be worried Hermione, Black wouldn't be dumb enough to attack Harry in a room full of Professors." Lyra said smiling kindly at Hermione.

" True." Hermione nodded.

" The light's are going out now!" Percy called out " I want everyone in their sleeping bags, and no more talking!" And all the candles immediately went off. After a few moments of silence in the hall Lyra turned towards Harry.

" Harry?" Lyra whispered so only the two of them could hear.

" Yeah?" Harry said, turning around in his sleeping bag to face her.

" Do," She paused for a bit trying to word her sentence correctly " When things like this happen in school, and it somehow revolves around you... do you ever feel responsible?" Harry looked at Lyra for a moment and a realisation came across his face.

" You think you're responsible for this don't you?" Harry said.

" Well he is related to me," She said laying on her back " It's hard not to feel somewhat guilty on what's happening."

" Yeah," Harry said, then shifted his sleeping back closer to hers " But it's not like you told him to kill me, or did you?" His eyes then went wide.

" No," Lyra laughed, pushing his head away jokingly and Harry smiled " I would kill you myself." She said with a straight face. Harry and Lyra both looked at each for a moment before the two burst into laughter.

" Shh!" A Ravenclaw said, who was desperately trying to go to sleep, and in return both Lyra and Harry put up their middle fingers and ' shushed' back making the Ravenclaw roll their eyes and turn over. Harry then looked down at Lyra and she felt the same feeling she had before, he then laughed slightly before laying down next to her in his own sleeping back.

" You know," Harry said " I never really realised that the stars in here are actually really pretty."

" Huh?" Lyra said, looking up herself " Yeah I guess they are."

" Is Lyra up there." Harry said, looking at Lyra.

" No Lyra's down here you silly billy," Lyra said rolling her eyes. Harry then gave her a disappointing look and Lyra laughed slightly " I'm joking! But I don't think you can see it in here, but you can in the astronomy tower on a clear night with the telescope." She yawned.

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