Chapter two: The Leaky Cauldron and Cygnus

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" Oh my Merlin's beard it's the Firebolt!!" Lyra screeched, pressing her face up to the window.

" Lyra just look at it, perfection!" Ron said, in the same high pitched voice Lyra's was in.

" It's just a broom." Hermione said, rolling her eyes while still staring at her book.

" Just a broom?" Ron said, turning to face Hermione.

" That right there is not ' just a broom" Lyra said, not taking her eyes off of the Firebolt " It's the future of quidditch it's self."

" Yeah." Ron said dreamily, turning back around to gape back at the Firebolt.

" Come on," Hermione huffed, closing the book " We've got to finish off getting our school supplies, and I would rather not waist my whole day looking at some broom, oh I'm sorry ' the future of quidditch." She said, seeing Ron and Lyra open their mouths to argue. Ron groaned, forcefully looked away from the broom and slowly shuffled his feet next to Hermione.

" Come on Lyra." Ron said mopey.

" You two go ahead, I'm staying here." Lyra said, still not taking her eyes away.

" Lyra Rosalyn Lupus Black, you will come with us to get the rest of you school supplies right now!" Hermione said stomping her foot, which made Lyra turn her head immediately.

" Fine I'm coming." Lyra said, sulky moving towards her friends.

" Rosalyn Lupus." Ron snickered, as they moved along Diagon Alley.

" Oh shut up Bilius." Lyra whispered, not wanting Hermione to scold them for arguing. Ron glared Lyra, and the three gathered their school stuff while also looking for Harry.

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" Where the bloody hell is he!" Ron said, eating the remainder of his ice cream.

" No cl-" Lyra began, but she suddenly saw a boy with a mop of black hair and a pair of glasses " Wait there he his, Harry! Harry!" They all started waving their arms and shouting his name, until he finally turned around. Harry smiled and ran over to Florean Fortescue's ( where they were) and sat down.

" Finally," Ron said, when Harry reached them " We went to the Leaky Cauldron, but they said you'd left, so we went to Flourish and Blotts and Madam Malkin's and-"

" I got all my school stuff last week," Harry said " And how comes you knew I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron?"

" Dad." Ron said.

" Did you really blow up your aunt Harry." Hermione said, like she was about to scold him.

" I didn't mean to," Harry said. Lyra and Ron began to laugh so hard that they nearly fell off of their chair "I just, lost control."

" It's not funny you two," Hermione said sharply " Honestly I'm amazed Harry wasn't expelled."

" So am I," Harry said "Forget expelled, I thought I was gonna be arrested," Harry then looked over to Ron " Dose your dad know why Fudge let me off?"

" Probably because it's you isn't it," Ron said straightening up, but still laughing " Famous Harry Potter and all that, I'd hate to see what the Ministry would do to me if I blew up an aunt, mind you they'd have to dig me up first because mum would've killed me, anyway you can ask dad yourself this evening. We're staying at the Leaky Cauldron tonight too, so you can come to Kings cross with us tomorrow, Hermione and Lyra are staying as well."

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