11. Why is it always the same people in the beds of this hospital wing ?

Start from the beginning

" Yes ? "
"Thank you for everything, I am not always an easy going person."
" Anytime Remus, I mean it," she answers with a smile.

There are a few minutes passing by before Lily comes in and walks to me, cupping my cheeks.
Her eyes are full of worrying.

" Oh honey, are you alright ?" She asks hugging me.
" Yes mom, I guess."

I like teasing her but I think she's going to be a great mom. Having a kid with a man she loves and having a successful career are two of her goals. I am sure she's going to succeed both of them, she is going to be amazing at them. She nudges me lightly, careful not to hurt me.

" The real question is, how is Sirius ? "
" He's going to be fine. Don't worry."
" Is he mad at me ? "
" Do you think Sirius could ever be mad at you ?"
"I've bitten him, so yeah a little. When will I be able to see him ? "
"As soon as you're good."
"Which means ? "
"Pomfrey said it would be okay for you to walk at eleven or something."

I put my head back in the pillow and sighs.

" Five hours, grand. "
" She can give you some potion for you to fall asleep though."

We talk a bit before I realize something.

" Oh Merlin ! Lily, Dumbledore knows that Sirius is an animagui ! "
"It's going to be fine."
" He is an illegal animagui, Lils. "
" I suspect he already knew. "
" How ??? "
" I mean- you realised Dumbledore always knows everything, right? "
" Yeah but he's intelligent, wise and all."
" Hum. "
" What ?"
" I've been having this theory that Dumbledore is actually a legilimens."
" You think? "
" You know what a Legilimens is ?"
" ... Not really."
"It's okay, I've taken a book in the Restricted Section. I was curious to see what kind of books was in there. The title was " Becoming a Legilimens, how to hear the thoughts? " or something. "
"And what was written in it ?"
" How to become one and also that you can hear people's thoughts, but not everyone's. Some people are Occlumens, it means they can keep Legilimens from reading their thoughts. "
" So you think Dumbledore knows ?"
"I reckon he knows more than we'll ever think."
" He would just let things slip then ?"
" Yep, I think so and I reckon he'll let the fact that he has been told that Sirius is an animagui slip as well because it's for your safety and it does nothing wrong to anyone."
" He knows about Pete and James ? I mean- someone told him ? "
" They're not injured, so no."

I really feel more relaxed now.

And we stay here, chatting about everything and anything. I like that about Lily. She makes me forget that I am not an ordinary boy, which I really want to be. We talk until she has to go to classes.
After discussion, I'll have the potion so the time until I can check on Sirius will seem less long.

                      SIRIUS' POV

I am bored. I am not used to lay in bed doing nothing. I thought the bite would hurt more than that. Madam Pomfrey does a good job with her potions and balm. I look at the ceiling, whistling Bohemian Rhapsody. When I hear someone coming, continuing the song but instead of whistling, the voice sings. I immediately recognise it. Zoe. I smile instantly, wanting some company.

" I'm just a poor boy
Nobody loves me," she sings with a low voice.
"He's just a poor boy from a poor family", I answer.

She sits on a chair beside me and I turn to her.

"I heard what happened, not too much damages ? "
" No I am fine, really. "
" You're sure ? "
"I like to think it's the biggest hickey I ever got" I say with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes, trying to hide a smile

" Only you could think of it that way. How much time until your " hickey " will be gone ? "
' She said it will scar but I'll have to drink the potion and apply balm for a month or two, I'll be fine. "
"Alright, then ! Not too bored ?"
" You can't imagine how boring it is to lay here doing nothing, not moving. Hey shouldn't you be in class ? "
" It's Herbology, only Rey, Mary and Lily have it, so I thought I would check on you."
" Ohh how thoughtful ! You prefer to spend time with me than going to the Library, I am touched ! "
" You git !" she says nudging me.
" How dare you ?! Attacking an injured man ! "
" Oh you drama queen!" she says laughing.

We make too much noise apparently because Madam Pomfrey comes in.

" Miss Mckinnon if you can't keep quiet, I'd like you to leave. Besides, Mister Black needs rest. "
"Alright, sorry Madam. See you, Black !" she says hugging me before leaving.

I know she didn't want it to be seen but I think she was very worried until seeing that I was well. Madam Pomfrey makes me drink potion to make me sleep for an hour or two. I think she knows I can't sleep otherwise.
My eyes are closed. I feel someone someone looking and then holding my hand.  I open my eyes. Moony. His honey eyes are soft and worried at the same time.

" I am sorry I woke you up," he whispers.
" No it's fine Love," I say putting my other hand on his. 
"You're not mad at me then ? "
"Nope, I could never. Got the biggest hickey ever. "

He blushes. That's why I said that. He's so adorable when he blushes. He's always adorable but well.

"You've already made that joke before,  haven't you ? "
" Argh I am exposed."
" To who ?"
" Zoe came and I told her that."
" Has she laughed at your " joke " ? "
" ... "
"That's what I thought," he says with a smirk.
"She tried to hide a smile, I am sure of it."
" Oh, the potion makes you hallucinating darling.  "

I pout and he smiles. So I smile back.
He leans to kiss my lips. It seems like a relieved kiss.

" I'll leave you to rest. Pomfrey told me I had 3 minutes with you before she kicks me out."
" I'll miss you."
"It's a few hours Pads."
" Too much hours without my other half by my side," I answer my right hand on my heart in a dramatic way.
" Such a drama queen," he says rolling his eyes - but he's grinning, 'see ya your Altest The Queen.'

Madam Pomfrey comes in and sighs.

" Why is it always the same people in the beds of this hospital wing ?" Madam Pomfrey asks.

Only a few hours before I can finally get out of this bed.


I hope you guys liked this chapter :)

I just need to specify something.
So, the DNA part is inspired by @pengiwen 's fic of the marauders. Unless I am wrong, it's not said in the Harry Potter books. So yeah, just wanted to credit her.

Also, Christmas is in three days.
Therefore, I wish you a merry Christmas if you celebrate it or a  happy Hanoushka if you celebrate it ; or just have a nice holiday if you don't celebrate it !

ily and thank you so much for supporting my fic <33

edit : I said " celebrate it " way too much but anyways.

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