It's A Trip P5 #Avengers

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Vision liked Sonoma Park best. The history was fascinating and he could find thousands of articles on the old Mexican settlements. Rhodey liked it too, but more because he got to walk, than because of the the history lesson from Vision. The braces Tony had made for him worked incredibly well, but he'd never realised before how much effort walking meant. Now he got a great satisfaction just from walking into town and back, because he could. Walking through the park seemed almost surreal after everything that had happened, yet here he was. Walking. It amazed him and he loved it.

Thor's favourite part was the Jessel art gallery. Much to everyone's suprise, he loved art. He couldn't paint to save someone's life, but he had a great appreciation for others' talents at it and liked the beautiful, sunny scapes on display. He could spend hours, lost in the little worlds the artists had created.

Sam was more conventional. He liked the fine food at the restaurants on 1st Street. Good food and good company, he wasn't fussed by much else. The parks were nice and all, but this was his holiday after he and his team had saved the world. He felt he was allowed to be lazy, just for 2 weeks.


Tony and Stephen did very little over the two weeks. Tony spent a lot of time at the beach, he promised Morgan he'd bring her back some shells, so he and Stephen had gone beach combing on several occasions.

They'd also gone snorkeling, like drunk Stephen had asked. That was pretty amazing. There were huge shoals of sea bass that had swum around them and they'd seen several brightly coloured star fish glued to rocks. There were huge hydrocorals too. Not as many as there were though - lots had been destroyed by fishing.

One day Stephen had rented kayaks for them both. They'd started out fine, but Tony could not steer for toffee, so they'd gone back to get a 2 person kayak. This meant Stephen paddled, while Tony sulked behind him.

On the plus side, they'd found a little cove around the corner from the main beach and had stayed there for the day - here Tony had managed to find shells like Morgan had asked.

The cove was sheltered, covered in by sky-high, yellowy walls. The beach was half was between shingle and sand - part of it was little gritty bits, while the other was small pebbles and pieces of broken shells. Stephen had actually come prepared with water and sandwiches, which were only slightly soggy, so they'd eaten those in the afternoon.

Stephen had spent most of the morning laying stretched out on the sand watching the sea, while Tony climbed the rocks at the base of the cliff, trying to find more shells. After the sandwiches were gone they swam together for a bit, cooling off in the sea, before returning the kayak.


Natash and Wanda had gone all around the local area in their two week stay. Wanda wanted to go shopping, and had gotten small trinkets for everyone who couldn't come on the trip. She even had a paperweight for Nick.

Natasha had dragged her to all the local sport clubs too. There were the standard squash courts and basket ball courts, but there was also an archery range and a place where you could learn to throw knives. That was Natasha's favourite place.

They'd dressed in everyday clothes, so almost no one recognised them.

"Why are we here?!" Wanda had grumbled, "you know how to throw knives, you don't need a beginner's class. You could hit a fly from 3 miles away."

"I've taken these classes before - trust me when I say it'll be fun," Natasha grinned in reply.

When they joined the class 3 other men were already there, chatting. They took no notice as Nat and Wanda arrived. The lesson was simple and the teacher was good, they got 10 throws each to start with. One of the men went first, hitting the target 6/10 times. He looked pretty pleased with himself and his friends were cheering. Wanda went next and hit it 4 times. Barely. The other two blokes had a similar skill level to her. Then it was Natasha's turn. She nailed the bullsey 7 times, hit the ring just outside it twice, and the edge of the target once. The rest of the group stared in in shock while Nat looked particularly pleased with herself.

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