It's A Trip! P3 #Avengers

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A/N so, the good knews is you only have to put up with this mini series for this chapter and then another 2, then I think I'll end it. I'm enjoying writing it, idk if you like reading it though. Have fun with this one xx


Their next stop was in Rawlins, in Wyoming - aka, the middle of nowhere. The problem was there was literally nowhere else they could stop off if they wanted to reach Napa Valley the next day. There were no available hotels this time so everyone had to sleep on the bus.
This would be a bad plan even if it was just a group of ordinary people on a minibus, however it was the Avengers.... in other words, the town is on fire, God is dead.


The initial problem was that Clint couldn't sleep. He'd slept constantly for almost 2 days now and it was messing with him. It was now 1am, most of the other Avengers were asleep, and Clint felt like he'd just downed an Expresso shot. He tapped away on his phone for a bit but it didn't alleviate the growing boredom. He got up to walk up and down the aisle, however he missed his footing on the step down.

If you've ever tripped on a bus before, you'll know just how awkward it is. Limbs seem to take up a lot more space than they should normally, and it's very hard to stop tripping over new things once you've fallen over the first thing.

Clint was now clutching the edge of Stephen's seat, trying desperately not to slip any further. That's about the time when he realised what he'd tripped on - Bruce's leg (he was sleeping in the aisle because the seats were too small.) How he realised it was Bruce's leg was rather more complicated, seeing as it only happened a good few minutes after Clint landed on the floor with a cut lip and a bruise on the under side of his chin.

The realisation process started with stage one: Bruce moving his leg in his sleep. Clint, not realising it was a leg which he was standing on, freaked and whipped his feet off the floor, only to find himself sinking like a stone. Damn gravity. The next stage of the process started when his descent was halted abruptly by the objection of Stephen's armrest. Clint's chin slammed into it, before (and this was the final stage) his whole body fell backwards, so he landed on his back, splayed out over Bruce. After a few moments of stunned silence, Clint remembered.

Clint was snapped out of his state of shock when Bruce shifted, left out a scream, and leapt up, throwing him towards into the floor.

"Mother fucker," Clint snarled into the floor.

"CliNT?! What the hell are you doing??" Bruce whisper-shouted.

"Trying to stand up."

After a few moments of confused silence from Bruce, Clint stood up and got back into his seat, hugging in his bruised knees and leaning sideways into the back of the chair.

"Bruce..." Clint asked slowly, "what was the scream for?"

Bruce grinned, "well, I felt a huge weight land on me..."


"...and then I opened my eyes to something fuzzy in my face and some completely black limbs spread across me."


"Basically I thought you were one hella big spider," Bruce grinned cheesily again.

Clint raised an eyebrow. "You're the Hulk..."

"It's an irrational fear, yes, but a very real one. I hate spiders."

Their conversation was now interrupted by Vision's voice. "What the hell are you two on?! It's 01.42am and we all wanna sleep!"

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