It's A Trip P5 #Avengers

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A/N the last part is here! It's a lot longer than the other because I have to try and cover 2 weeks of 15 people on holiday in one chapter, XD. After this I'm going to do some Ironstrange AUs - I think they're cute - and I also had another idea... Pietro and Loki... Do you think they'd be cute together? I think so, they're both pretty mischevious and I feel like they'd have been good friends if Pietro had lived... If u read this, tell me what u think in the comments - I'm open to critisism. Happy reading :)


Clint woke to a very bright light. "Fuck off Sam... Turn the light out," be mumbled, rolling over. And off the roof. "You have goT TO BE KIDDING!"

He turned his head to see a red blob - his vision was still fuzzy. The quiet laughter then reached his ears and he swore again.

"Can you get up?" Nat asked softly. She was amused, but also marginally concerned for her friend's safety.

Clint moved his arms slowly and got onto his knees, wincing. He almost managed to stand, but crumpled in pain as he tried to put weight in his right leg. Nat face palmed.

"I'm gonna make Stephen check it," she said. Walking over, she crouched down and wrapped an arm around Clint's waist, heaving him up, and helping him into the kitchen. "Keep it elevated on the chairs, I'm going to get Stephen."

Grumbling, Clint complied.


Nat knocked before entering. Normally she wouldn't with the other Avengers, but she had learnt from past mistakes with Tony and Stephen. Tony was face first on the pillow, just as she and Sam had left him last night. Stephen however, was in pyjamas under the covers - he must have gotten up in the night to change.

Stephen turned to face her - he was awake. "Keep the leg elevated, there's a first aid kit in one of my bags, I've got bandages and splints - I'm assuming you know how to apply them. He's pretty sturdy, so he should only be on crutches for 6 weeks. Good luck baby sitting him here," Stephen rambled out.


"Clint. He fell off the roof. I heard the thud."

"That could have been anyone - you couldn't have known it was him." Natasha retorted. Stephen raised an eyebrow at her as she started going through his suitcase.

"Ok, even Pietro has more brain cells than him..." Natasha mulled it over for a bit. "But you couldn't have known the injury!"

"If he was ok, you would have laughed at him, I heard no laughter, and then you came to me, so it has to be something vaguely serious. You know how to set a broken arm, you aren't as confident with a leg though, so you needed my help. Can I sleep now?"

Nat grunted as she left the room with a first aid kit to patch up Clint.

Over the next two weeks the avengers all took it in turns to stay home with Clint. They watched movies, there were several barbeques, and a lot of card games. By the end of the week Clint could beat them all at Go Fish.


Bruce, Vision, Thor, Sam and Rhodey spent most of the week being at least vaguely normal, and sight seeing. Well, as normal as things could get with Bruce and Thor - they were both instantly recognisable.

Bruce's favourite place was China Point Overlook. It was large and open air - no tiny passages or corridors- and the views were spectacular. They'd spent a whole day there, taking pictures and just sitting around talking. He'd missed this. Everything got so hectic during missions and saving the world - no time to appreciate the little things.

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