Boredom #Sam and Bucky

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A/N This is based off of the headcanon above. Sorry if it sucks, I finished it at 2am. It's just a kind of short story about Sam and Bucky messing with T'Challa. Thanks for reading xx


*click* *Thunk* *click* *click*


"You know, if you're bored you could always help me clean...." Sam said, adding an eye roll. "That's the 5th time you've pulled apart and reassembled that gun. And get your feet off the table!"

Bucky huffed but did as he was told. "Cleaning does not prevent boredom."

"The clicking is driving me nuts."

"You're driving me nuts."

Ignoring the last comment, Sam went back to the dishes. It's almost over, you can leave soon. Until something hit him square in the back.

"The hell was that?!" He half yelled. Bucky was trying desperately to hide a grin as Sam saw a black suit slip from the kitchen. "A plum. Seriously?!"

Turning back to the sink it wasn't long before he was assaulted again. He turned quicker this time though and caught Bucky lying face down on the table shaking with laughter while T'Challa stood facing away and starring intently at the ceiling.

Sam finished the drying the plates and left to plot his revenge.


A week later at dinner Sam was trying desperately to keep a straight face: it was working for the most part. It was Tony's turn to cook today, but he'd been too busy (or so he'd said), so the group had just ordered sushi instead. Bruce was particularly thankful. It was his turn to clean up and he hated doing the cutlery. Halfway through the meal Steve noted Bucky hadn't been eating much. He'd had 2 sushi rolls to be precise.

"Hey Buck, why aren't you eating? You love the nigiri..." Steve said.

"I'm... Not hungry."

"Ok....?" Steve decided to leave it, but he took Bucky's hand under the table. It was more to comfort himself than anything else though - Bucky was nothing if not stubborn.

Out of the corner of his eye Bucky could see Sam desperately biting his cheek, a grin pulling at his mouth anyway. A snigger could also be vaguely heard from Tony's seat.

At the end of dinner everyone got up to leave, not noticing anything weird until Bucky stayed sitting down, his left arm lying on the table.

"Hey Buck," Sam grinned evilly, "why aren't you leaving?"

Tony was thankful at that moment that he was short. It meant no one could see him doubled over, silently shaking with laughter.

"Just.... Comfortable," Bucky was panicking. He'd almost gotten through dinner without anyone noticing. They'd never let him live it down if they knew.

"Wouldn't the sofa be more comfortable?" Steve suggested. He had noticed Bucky's odd behaviour, and was a little concerned now. "We can watch V for Vendetta."

"Give me 5 minutes," Bucky said. Hopefully they'll leave... There's nothing I can do about Bruce, but he might help.

"Come on Bucky - what's wrong?" Steve asked. Worry leaking into his voice.

I'm doomed. Might as well get this over with.

"I can't move my left arm." Bucky grimaced.

Steve moved over and tried to pry a finger off the table. It didn't budge.

"What the..."

Sam and Tony couldn't contain it anymore. Evil cackles ripped through the air as the other Avengers turned to stare. Tony was the first to regain his composure, wiping a year from his eye.

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