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"Can we talk?" Ryker had been mulling something over since he'd gotten home from work, pacing as he changed out of the suit he'd had to wear to the office that night. Though he'd only managed to take the jacket off and loosen the tie, then undo the top two buttons of his shirt before he stopped in front of Daryl's desk.

Ryke squinted against the early morning light that was coming through the window to shine on the sketching table Daryl was currently working behind, as if he could glare away the sun. Daryl merely smiled and turned to him, hitting the button that lowered the automatic blinds as he moved.

"Ah... you didn't have to do that..." Ryker murmured softly, brought back into the present by Daryl's movement as he and turned to look at Daryl again. "I know you're working."

They had begun to make attempts to spend more time together again, which involved Daryl taking as much opportunity to work from home during the day as he could. Though it was difficult to do on the days that Daryl was supposed to be at the centre. But even the tiny bit of effort had made a difference. He didn't feel so apart from Ryker anymore, though there were some learning curves they had to get past. Things like Ryker having a tough time recognizing that Daryl's work was still work, and he couldn't demand attention whenever it suited him.

"Nah. It's alright." Daryl grinned lopsidedly, reaching out for the man's hand and frowning when Ryker pulled it away and ran it through his hair instead. "Everything is alright, isn't it?"

He watched Ryker pace away with that worried, conflicted expression on his face.

'Yeah. Things... with us? They're better than they have been in a long time. More than before, even. "Ryker paused and turned back to him, his expression conflicted and confused and almost afraid. "And I need you to know that you're enough. You're more than enough, you make me incredibly happy and..."

"Did you fuck someone else?" Daryl braced himself for that possibility, the only reason he could think of for Ryker's odd direction of conversation and behaviour.

Ryker jerked back as if hit, his eyes going wide. "What? No. Why..."

Daryl put down his pencil and stood, walking around from behind his desk to pull Ryker into a hug. "You're freaking out, Ryker. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Ryker wrapped him into a tight embrace and just pulled him closer, ducking his head down to press his face into Daryl's shoulder. "It was just a stupid thought."

"I didn't cheat on you either." Daryl murmured softly, rubbing his back. "Is that what you think?"

Ryker shook his head, still not lifting his face, just holding onto Daryl for a long moment. "Remember the strip club?"

Daryl grinned slightly. "Yeah, of course. That's when we figured this all out and stopped being dumb."

"Before that." Ryker's words were mumbled into Daryl's shirt, his fingers toying at the hem of it at the back.

After a few moments, Daryl let out a slow breath. "With Carbry... and Meri...?"

The other man nodded, his fingers finding Daryl's skin under the cloth and tickling over it, drawing designs in his flesh.

But he didn't continue, leaving Daryl to kiss Ryker's temple and finally grin softly. "Did you like that, Ryker?"

"I didn't think I did... I dunno... yes?" The vampire shrugged, finally pulling back to look at Daryl, almost pouting. "I mean.. It should be gross. I shouldn't want to see you with anyone else. Just me. Cause you're mine."

"Have you ever been with multiple people at the same time, Ryker?" Daryl reached his hands up, running his fingers through his mate's hair, moving to kiss him on the forehead.

"Of course." Ryker snorted and rolled his eyes. "Several times. Orgies aren't what bother me. None of those people were my mate. It was pleasurable, fun..."

"You know that, no matter what, I'm yours, right?" Daryl kissed his temple, running his fingers down Ryker's neck. "That as amazing as you are in bed, and as wicked attractive as you are, it's more than that for me. That no one could ever replace you or your place in my heart, life, and soul, right?"

Ryker stared at Daryl's shoulder for a long while, before nodding and ducking his head to brush his lips gently over Daryl's jaw. "And I'm yours."

"The only thing that concerns me, is if our friendships could take it. I mean, sleeping with people, even for fun... sometimes it's hard afterwards. Awkward, you know?" Daryl turned to kiss Ryler's cheek softly.

"People have sex, Daryl. It's only awkward if you think about all the expectations society has about it. I've... lived long enough to know that it's as intimate or as impersonal as you want to make it." Ryker shrugged and let out a slow breath, finally looking up to him again. "The old man asked me if we'd be interested. And... it surprised me when I wasn't immediately turned off by the idea."

"Ok." Daryl nodded and brushed his lips across Ryker's, smiling ever so slightly.

"Ok?" Ryker looked a little surprised, his eyes searching Daryl's face curiously. "You don't... think... I'm bored with you, or something?"

It made Daryl grin wider, kissing him again as he arched his body into the vampire's, causing the man's body to react in near immediate arousal. "I know you're not bored with me, Ryker. I think.. Seeing you like that would be hot. If you enjoyed it. I didn't like you with the stripper, because I could tell you didn't want him touching you. You're mine and I would be hurt if you did it behind my back, and if you don't enjoy it or it doesn't work and we stop or don't go through with it, I'll also still be deliriously happy with you. But if this is what you want, it is what I want."

"I mean... he's old." Ryker gave him a teasing look. "And she's.. Well, she's Meriwa."

"I think, once you get over fifty, it's all really old." Daryl teased, laughing when Ryker growled and nipped his jaw. "And Meriwa is probably my best friend, and she's very attractive, and I think you like her more than you let on."

Ryker nodded before kissing him, hard. It was a bone melting, soul rending kiss that had Daryl clinging to the other man, gasping against his lips when Ryker pulled back enough to speak again. "So... do I... like text him...?"

Daryl laughed, tossing back his head and tugging Ryker toward the stairs that would lead up to the loft. "C'mon. Meri and I were supposed to have a dinner date tomorrow, how about we have a double date and talk about it like adults."

"I'm not good about planning out my fucking." Ryker grumbled, though he followed Daryl willingly, grinning when the cowboy started undressing him. "I'm not going to be all like 'Then sir, you're going to stick your'-"

Daryl cut him off with a kiss, laughing as he undid the man's pants and tugged them down and nipping his lower lip. "You're incorrigible!"

Ryker's response came out as a low groan when Daryl trailed his lips down the vampire's body, lowering himself to his knees, his hands sliding down to grip Ryker's hips as he took the man into his mouth.

The rest could wait till later.

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