Whiskey and Chocolate

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"Oh Shit..." One of the newer shifters muttered from where he was monitoring the video feed while Ryker went over a mission report and cleaned his rifle.

Ryker glanced at the screen which showed Carbry's apartment and, more importantly, Carbry himself idly glancing at the half eaten box of chocolates and open bottle of whiskey, complete with two empty glasses, resting on his coffee table.

Ryker still fought the urge to roll his eyes when he saw the bottle and candy seeing as how Daryl had been grumpy with him after Meriwa had snuck up on them and interrupted some well earned alone time. Once Meriwa had been freed of her apple piece, she had run off, and Daryl had told him he'd been a dick.

He had not.

Ryker had just been a little embarrassed about the fact that Meriwa had sat there and watched them walking out of the shower and nearly about to fuck. And she had been sitting there like a sweaty pervert. Probably would have watched the whole thing if she hadn't nearly choked on the apple she had stolen from his kitchen.

But Daryl had been upset because Meriwa hadn't responded to his apologies via text, and to prevent his mate from completely abandoning him in fear that Meriwa wasn't ok, Ryke had hacked into her computer, which she left on and not very secure, and showed Daryl the woman sleeping in Carbry's bed.

It had been a little creepy, though Ryker had found Meriwa surprisingly cute when she wasn't walking around perving out over his mate.

But it had ruined the rest of the night, and Ryker had not had any sex. And Daryl had gone out early to apologize to the zombie princess, as if they should ask for forgiveness for her appearing uninvited or announced in their home.

Ryker scowled at that memory and addressed the issue at hand. "What?"

"Well...uh...I thought you were monitoring the boss' travel?" The shifter gave him a cautious look as he continued. "I could have...like...shouldn't we have...cleaned that up before he saw it?"

Ryker rolled his eyes in genuine irritation this time. "What the fuck are you on about? All that stuff is from Daryl. Meriwa and Daryl are like kids, but we aren't their parents wandering around and cleaning up their messes."

"But...the boss...will...know..." The guy whispered, giving Ryke a bewildered look.

"Go do a fucking perimeter patrol." Ryker scowled darker, turning back to his rifle. When the guy just watched him, he barked. "NOW!"

Ryker barely noticed the shifter skitter out of the operations room until he heard the guy squeak out a surprised exclamation of "Sir!"

Carbry's voice sounded from the direction of the elevator. "Is everything alright?"

There was no answer as Ryke heard the elevator open then close, and it was only a few brief moments before Ryker sensed Carbry's presence behind him, though he didn't look up from where he was cleaning some carbon out of the trigger mechanism of his rifle. "Welcome back, sir."

"Where's Meriwa?" Carbry asked casually, sounding a little amused for some reason.

"Movies with Daryl..." Ryker muttered, glancing up when Carbry moved into his field of vision, though the older vampire was looking down at the computer recently vacated by the shifter.

"Why did I frighten..."

"Eli." Ryker finished for him, smirking. "And no idea. He seemed a little upset about the fact that Daryl bought your mate chocolates and whiskey and flowers."

"I noticed that. What happened?" Carbry smirked as well, raising a curious brow before explaining. "She was a little grumpy this morning on the phone though she didn't explain why."

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