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About an hour later, a storm was raging outside and Meri was in Ryke's lap seeking refuge from both the weather and the horrifying movie. She usually watched horror movies with D who seemed to understand her love/hate relationship with the films. Ryke, though, only found her fear amusing, and he'd been teasing her all night about it.

"Come on, Mer. It's fine."

Following his words, she looked up at the screen just as thunder clapped outside. What she saw was the evil monster on the TV ripping out the throat of some poor, hapless secondary character. At first, Ryke chuckled when she screamed, but when her scream devolved into very real sobbing, he cursed and turned off the movie.

She turned her face to his neck as she trembled and cried, and a confused Ryke rubbed her back as he said, "Mer, hon. Why are you freaking out so much? You've seen things scarier than this."

"I... I... the music and effects and... and... " Her sobbing was preventing her from speaking, and Ryke cursed again as he cradled her to his chest.

"Fuck. I broke you, didn't I?"

Mer shook her head. "No... D hates me and I can't find him and Car is gone and you're going to be gone and that guy on the TV died and-"

"Shhh." Ryke whispered soothingly into her hair. "We won't watch any more of that horror movie tonight, okay?"

Mer wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath before another sob could wrack her body. "But I want to finish... "

"How about... " Ryke began as he began stroking her thigh rhythmically in a way that was as calming as it was arousing, "we go to bed where we can forget the storm and everything? Then I'll make you a snack if you're still awake afterwards."

Mer snorted and wiped her nose as she pulled back to look hopefully at him. "You don't make snacks."

The smile he gave her as she stared into his green eyes made her heart swell with love. "For the Princess who's having a rough night, I'll make all the snacks. Just be happy, alright?"

"I am happy." As she said it, a few more tears escaped and ran down her cheeks, leading Ryke to wipe them away.

The man offered her a gentle albeit befuddled smile. "Alright. You're happy. But let me make you happier."

Meri laughed softly as Ryke carried her to the bedroom. She was happy, but thinking about the fact that Ryke would soon be gone like the others brought about a sadness that she did her best to ignore.

Why did she miss him already?

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