Morning Sunshine

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Ryker lay on his side, grinning to himself as he watched Daryl sleeping face down in bed with his hair rumpled and his face turned toward him. Daryl's smile was heart stopping even in his sleep, and Ryker found himself relaxing as he reached out to brush the hair out of Daryl's features. The sun was rising. Soon it would be day, and Ryker had not gotten out of bed to even attempt work all night. The two of them had spent the night at home, which was getting to be a rare event as the time they spent with Carbry and Meriwa increased more and more every week.

Ryker didn't mind, actually. He found that spending time with the other two seemed as 'right' as spending time with Daryl. But he had enjoyed last night, sipping whiskey and talking, eating shitty take out food and watching movies and just remembering how to be with one another. It had been a long road, and they still fought like cats and dogs at times. But Ryker felt that he had made headway in repairing what he had broken so badly.

It didn't hurt the situation that Daryl had begun to truly warm up to Carbry as well. Not just for Ryker and Meri's sake, but there were times when Ryker could tell that Daryl was enjoying the older vampire's company. They talked like old men about past stories and good whiskey, usually leaving Ryker and Meriwa to roll their eyes and do something fun.

Though things were going well for all of them, there was still the ever increasing worry over Daryl's metabolism that his cowboy only seemed to take half-seriously. Daryl apparently disliked the scientifically formulated shakes Knight Corp had developed. The man would eat day old tuna sandwiches out of gas stations but turned his nose up on the meal replacements. For whatever reason, there was still an aloofness to his cowboy which was possibly in response to Ryker's own continued travels for work, though Carbry had clearly reached the limits of his patience with Ryker's high risk missions.

But Daryl would wander, too, disappearing for a few days at a time and slipping the security both he and Carbry assigned to tail their lover. It would only be a matter of time before Daryl had to argue with more than just Ryker about where he disappeared off to whenever the teams lost his tail.

But for last night, Ryker had let go of his worries and just enjoyed Daryl while they were together and undistracted.

Ryker grinned and shifted closer to his cowboy, unable to resist giving the man, who was letting out a loud, grumbling purr, a kiss on the forehead. In response, the sleeping man shifted closer to him. And that caused the light silk sheets to slip off of Daryl's body, leaving the cowboy completely naked.

Grinning, Ryker, ducked his head once more, kissing the centre of Daryl's back while he trailed his fingers down the cowboy's side. He knew he should let Daryl sleep, but he also knew that they had agreed to go on some sort of adventure or date or some weird cross between the two with Meriwa and Carbry that day.

The rising sun told Ryker that he was running out of time to have sex with, feed, and wrangle his cowboy into being ready before the other two arrived. And if Ryker knew nothing else, he knew that Daryl would probably forget half of what he needed for the day as well as ditch a balanced meal if Ryker decided to rush him.

"You know, I can feel your hard-on." Daryl grinned, opening those beautiful blue eyes to look at Ryker.

Ryker just smirked and stretched his body out, pressing harder into his mate. "Oh, can you?"

Daryl laughed, the sound causing Ryker's heart to flutter before the cowboy pulled him down for a kiss. And the kissing led to Ryker commencing with his plan of making sure his cowboy had the best morning of his life, and it left Daryl sprawled out on his back, sweaty and panting, smiling affectionately over at Ryker several minutes later.

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