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Meri had known the cabin was the right choice as soon as they'd arrived. It was cozy and private, apart from the security detail her abilities enabled her to sort of sense in the woods. She was still coming into her own powers as...whatever she was, and she wasn't quite sure how things about herself worked since her miraculous resurrection. Sometimes, the goddess was there as a presence within her consciousness. Other times, Tiamat took over completely, and occasionally, she stayed dormant hiding in the recesses of Meri's mind. Regardless of how it worked, Meri didn't mind at all. In fact found the partnership oddly...comforting.

Anyway, they'd spent the majority of the day cuddling and fucking and occasionally drinking, pausing only when she or Daryl needed a break to rest or eat. In short, this was a much needed vacation, and Meri was totally thankful her vampire had suggested it.

Sighing contentedly, she turned on the tap so that she could wash her hands, shivering at the chill in the air. Since night had fallen, even with the cozy fire roaring in the living room, the kitchen was chilly. Meri quickly scrubbed then dried her hands then proceeded to slice the cheese and apples, putting them on a small tray with crackers as her cowboy best friend turned lover stalked into the room, clad in a pair of flannel pajamas pants without a shirt.

"Are you sure you don't need help, Mer?"

She rolled her eyes as she balanced the now full tray, fighting back another shiver. "So you stop having sex and decide to help after I've already finished? Not fair, cowboy."

He smirked as he walked over to her and took the tray anyway, holding it with one hand while playfully pulling up the hood on her own flannel pajamas with the other. With a grin, he kissed her forehead as he spoke. "Your ears looked cold. Now, hush, grumpy goddess. And, for your information, I didn't take an active role in that last round. I don't know how they expect us human-ish immortals to keep up with them."

Meri snorted. "I know. I feel like Jell-O. How do they not even get tired?"

"Well, for the old man, I say I'd say it's practice. For Ryke, maybe stubborn determination not to let himself be outdone?"

She laughed as she followed the cowboy into the living room to find Ryker sitting on the rug in front of the coffee table and Car across from him on the couch, their faces lit only by the dancing light of the fire.

Even after all their time together, she still sometimes found herself blushing when King Vampire stared at her. When he gave her that look, the one that made it seem as if she were the only thing in the world he wanted to look at, she often found herself shrinking from the sheer force of his love.

Honestly, Meri didn't know a lot about her goddess side. Only that Tiamat's thoughts sometimes came out in random memories about past loves or asshole gods. Most of the time, Meri just knew that she sometimes looked at people in decidedly un-Meri and more goddess-like ways.

However, there was one thing she was certain of: she loved Car with her entire being. The old plain human Meri parts and the goddess of chaos and destruction parts were both madly in love with him. Carbry was her mate, and the other gods, insofar as she could sense the pantheons, knew it.

Carbry continued to watch her as she slid to the floor next to Ryke and observed the cowboy setting the tray down on the table and moving over to the liquor cabinet. Grinning from her growing sense of contentedness and well-being, she grabbed an apple slice and chewed thoughtfully.

"So, boys, what's on the agenda for tonight?"

Ryke opened his mouth to say something and Meri rounded on him before he could utter a word. "Besides sex, asshole."

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