Friendships Pt. 2

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Less than an hour after he had fed his mate and her best friend, the sound of breaking glass from the living room led Carbry to place the report he was reading on his desk and hurry out of his office. He found Meri and Daryl standing in front of the couch, Daryl staring in horror at a broken statue that had fallen off the mantle.

Meri didn't look horrified like her cowboy friend, but Carbry saw an apology in her eyes that shone through, despite the drunken haze she was in. "Ah! I'm sorry, King Vampire!" As she spoke, she stumbled her way over to him, and he smirked inwardly as he wrapped his drunk mate in his arms, "I didn't mean to. I was trying to throw a pizza bite into his mouth, but he couldn't catch it and the statue caught it instead."

Carbry kissed her head. "That's okay, love."

"I'm sorry, Alesky." For his part, Daryl tried to appear less drunk than Meri, affecting a sober expression as he spoke.

However, the smell of whiskey and his stumbling toward the shattered pottery told Car otherwise. Concerned, Carbry called out to him. "Leave it, cowboy. Don't worry, really. I'll clean it up."

Daryl looked pained while Meri pulled Carbry's face down so that she could give him a kiss. He smiled against her lips, and when she finished with her intoxicated apology, she released him and grabbed Daryl, pulling him to the couch with her.

"Shhh, cowboy. He thinks we're too drunk to clean up the mess."

"You are too drunk to clean up the mess." Carbry snorted as he pulled his phone out of his pajama pocket and opened his text thread with Ryker. He wanted to let Daryl sleep it off there, but Carbry suspected the two friends had gotten a little more intoxicated than they'd intended.

Knowing the problems Ryker and Daryl had been having, Carbry wanted to give the two mates as much opportunity to be together as possible. Meri was adjusting the comforter she'd stolen from their bed over the both of them on the couch as he typed out:

My mate accidentally got your cowboy extra drunk. He's welcome here, but I thought you might want to come collect him yourself.

Before Carbry even had a chance to return the phone to his pocket, Ryker was already texting back.

I'll be there in 20.

Car smirked as he slipped the phone to his pocket and went to retrieve the broom and dustpan from the pantry. When he returned to the living room, Meri was already dozing off and Daryl looked half sick with guilt.

"It's really fine, cowboy." Carbry whispered.

Daryl reluctantly nodded, and Carbry set about the task of cleaning up the mess, humming to himself as he worked. 

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