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Carbry had not been intending to be as destructive as he had been. He had been testing out the new simulators, which a tech company had claimed would be able to put any vampire or other supernatural to task. Then his team was attacked, and Carbry went into fight mode, though he would have been completely controlled had he not smelled someone else in the training room.

Daryl may not have been his mate, but he cared deeply for the man. So, smelling him in a place where Carbry was responding to danger then smelling the thrill of fear lacing through the man's scent had decided matters.

Carbry would protect those he loved, including the aloof cowboy who was playing hard to get in their delicious little foursome. Daryl loved Ryker and Meriwa, and if that was all, it would have been enough to charm Carbry. But the man had a million different quirks and facets that fascinated Carbry to no end. He was a complicated supernatural that loved fiercely, and Carbry was set on ensuring that the man fell head over heels with him. 

So he had pulled out all the stops, courting and wooing the cowboy by spoiling every last love or desire or passion that the man had, though Daryl would never have admitted to any of them freely. The mystery of the cowboy was half the fun. Figuring out what made Daryl tick just made Carbry love the man more fiercely even though Daryl was still decidedly standoffish.

Carbry had smelled Daryl's fear and reacted from a base level, the vampiric beast in him demanding he eliminate the threats and go find his distressed lover. But, by the time he had made it to the observation booth, Daryl had already left, leaving Carbry to stalk him through the halls of the training floor to the cardio room.

And by that time, the fear was laced with an arousal that had Carbry grinning and distracted enough that the first thing on his mind was getting the cowboy back to his apartment to slake their mutual desires.

Following Daryl's advances, Carbry teased and kissed Daryl in the elevator, pushing the man to nearly beg him for more, and although Carbry was anything but shy, he wasn't about to give a show to whatever security team was currently watching the video surveillance of the public areas.

When they got through the front door, Carbry kissed Daryl breathless, before pulling back and flashing him a dark grin. The blue eyes of the other man were dark and almost hazy with desire, and the lopsided grin he got in return nearly destroyed all of Carbry's resolve. They stood, panting and watching each other for a few long breaths.

Then Daryl flashed Carbry a shy grin, ducking his head ever so slightly. "Can you... do it rough?"

The cowboy was a man of few words, so the fact that he had verbalized exactly what he wanted was a huge step for the two of them. And though that adorable expression on his features had Carbry wanting to make slow, earth shattering love to the man, he nodded. "Of course. If it gets too much..."

Daryl flushed a little bit more and cleared his head with a shake while staring at Carbry's feet. "Yeah. Uhm... Bubblegum."

"I'll stop on bubblegum." Carbry didn't dare chuckle, knowing that if Daryl felt too off balance, he would retreat from the whole idea and probably lose interest.

Not that Carbry didn't think he couldn't charm the man back into a heady level of desire, but he didn't want to ruin this or hurt the cowboy. When Daryl nodded, Carbry crossed the distance between them, slamming Daryl into the wall with enough control that it wouldn't actually hurt the man. It rattled a couple pictures and drew a gasp of surprise from the cowboy, but no pain.

Carbry didn't even need to exert conscious control over his strength. He would never hurt the man. He didn't even know if it would be possible for him to do it on purpose. It was a second sense already. Carbry knew precisely how much strength he could use with Daryl without causing the wrong sort of pain.

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