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Daryl found himself standing in a strip club filled with supernaturals, shivering as his 'more than human' senses picked up a variety of smells, sounds, and feelings from around him. He could sense that the front door was down one of the hallways he saw, but there were other doors which led to rooms permeated by the scents of arousal and pain and pleasure and so much else.

"Urdu used to run this place. Since she left, along with all the demons, it's a bit different but the people she contracted to take it over keep it similar." Meri murmured to him, drawing his attention back to the present moment. She was grinning, her attention fixated across the main floor to where he saw Carbry leaning back in his seat at a private table that was attached to one end of the stage.

Carbry's eyes were on them, though they flickered up to the stage for a moment, finally drawing Daryl's focus to the show that was going on. Ryker, handcuffed to a stripper pole, was making more money than the half dressed shifter wearing a loose approximation of a cop uniform and exploring the body of Daryl's mate quite thoroughly.

He felt a flash of jealousy for a moment, watching the man grind up against his mate and thoroughly grope Ryker, half undressing him and egged on by the cheers of the ravenous crowd. Meri nudged him ever so slightly and Daryl took in a breath before finally noticing Ryker's expression. He was drunk, certainly, but he could tell when the man was disinterested and just playing along with the routine. Ryker could flirt the pants of someone and convince them he was genuine, but that expression he wore told Daryl that Ryker wasn't taking enjoyment out of the contact.

"Hey sugar, you guys want a seat somewhere? Or a dance?" A waitress walked up to them, giving Meri a once over as she reached out to lay a hand on Daryl's chest.

"We're with the guys that have bottle service." Meri smirked, a bit darkly, to the woman. Her expression was enough that the waitress pulled her hand away and glanced towards Carbry with a bit of a pout. "Oh. We were betting that they were together."

Daryl chuckled softly, and he noticed the woman's eyes darken as she turned back to look at him. She was a vampire, a young one if he could accurately judge things. Her teeth elongating as she raked her eyes over him once more.

Daryl grinned politely before asking, "Ma'am. How likely do you think it would be that I could get up on that stage?"

Meri grinned wider, one brow raising as the woman's mouth dropped open for a moment.

The waitress recovered relatively well. "You? Pretty fucking likely. We're short tonight. Jared there would be happy for a break... there's costumes in the back, or you could just go up like that."

The only problem with that plan was that Daryl had just realized Meri may not have given him underwear under his pants. And looking up over at her, he could see that she saw his realization.

She was grinning with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Don't worry about the costume. I got you covered." Meri winked at him, and after a moment's hesitation, the waitress grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back stage.

His clothing changed the moment he was through the doors, and the vampire waitress who was with him jerked a step back as she took in his sudden change in wardrobe. He could feel the very snug cling of underwear and paused to slide his hand into his pants, his fingers running over a leather like material.

"Firefighter to the cop. Alright, that works." Another shifter walked up wearing a half-suit and a headset. He directed the waitress back out onto the floor and gave Daryl a once over. "You want some padding?"

Daryl was wearing the baggy outer pants and jacket of a firefighter, some sort of t-shirt, suspenders and the boots, making it rather difficult to judge just what he looked like underneath. Nevertheless, he still gave the man a dark look. "Nah. I'm alright."

"There's no shame in it, most of the boys..." before Daryl could react, the man was grabbing his crotch, brows raising as he met Daryl's gaze. "Alright. No padding."

Before Daryl could shove the man off him, the manager pulled back and started issuing orders before waving Daryl towards the stage door where the stripper-cop was exiting and counting a large wad of cash that he was pulling out of his g-string.

"The ladies go wild for the guy on guy shit." The shifter was shaking his head, pausing mid-step as he looked at Daryl. "Ah, so they found another sucker for tonight. Good luck. Another crowd came in. Looks like mainly vampires..."

Daryl shrugged and clicked the dark visor down over his face. "Thanks."

He paused for a moment, hearing the music start up before striding out into the bright, blinding light. Behind him he heard the other dancer mutter to someone.

"What the hell is he?"

"Fucking hot." Was the reply, though Daryl wasn't paying attention. He didn't really know what had possessed him. He had never been one for the limelight, and though he knew how to dance, he had never stripped for anyone other than the people from his past who he'd slept with. Aside from a few occasions when Ryker had drunkenly taught him how to do a routine, Daryl had no real experience.

But he had learned over the past several months that there was something about the attention that he received, especially from supernatural creatures, that made him feel good. He wouldn't say that he craved it or needed it, nor did it turn him on, he just felt more alive when he was getting ogled. He could smell their arousal and basked in their admiration, though he had never sought it out before.

Yet here he was, moving across the stage, feeling the waves of... he didn't even know what it was, hitting him like a drug. It washed away the tension and stress that he had been carrying for a long time, and filled a small portion of something that had been lacking within him.

Though he grinned when he finally saw Ryker's look of surprise the moment the man's gaze fell on him. Even though Daryl's face and most of his body was covered, Ryker recognized him in an instant and had an expression of desire mixed with his adorable jealousy fed worry that made Daryl's heart skip a beat.

But as he began to unzip the heavy, sweltering jacket that had his skin already beading with sweat, he turned away from that end of the stage and turned towards the area with the group of female shifters and vampires who were oddly still, watching him with a fixed attention he had grown used to.

Let them think he was dancing for them. 

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