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There were only three people in this world he would go down onto his knees for, and Meri was one of them, though he would never admit to anyone the significance of what that meant. It was enough that he knew the importance of what he was willing to do for Meri. And Daryl did, too. Ryke had told Daryl everything, and his mate would know what it meant that Ryker was willing to do this with someone other than his mate.

It wasn't a struggle for him to make Meri happy, and that was why he did it. Grinning softly, Ryke lowered himself to his knees in front of Mer, brushing his lips over her belly then hip bones before meeting her gaze as she realized exactly what she had just told him to do. His hands ran up the back of her calves, and he waited as the embarrassment warred with the lust in her eyes, before he nipped her hip bone, causing her to arch. He used that movement to lift one of her legs over his shoulder, ducking his head down to taste her. Almost immediately, she leaned back against the cool tiles, and he could feel them only inches away as his tongue slid over her.

One of her hands went into his hair, gripping, pulling, demanding more as her hips arched into his mouth and her noises of pleasure grew louder.

Cognizant of bracing her enough that she didn't slip as she writhed under him, Ryker gripped her hip with one hand as he teased her and let his tongue explore her. He knew Meriwa well enough to know how to frustrate her, make her want more badly enough that she murmured her desires, pleading for more from him and forgetting her embarrassment.

"Ryker..." Meriwa breathed, and the air around them crackled with her god power. It sang over his skin, tickling and biting, her body vibrating, almost humming, with it.

Sometimes this part of her came out when she was angry. Sometimes it was when she was losing her mind in a different way. Ryker grinned and pulled back, kissing along the inside of the leg that was on his shoulder, feeling it tense to hold him closer to her. He let his teeth scrape and nip gently as he sensed her tugging at his hair.

"What do you want, love?" He murmured against her skin, grinning wider when he felt her shudder.

"Fuck... Ryker... you... " Meriwa was probably about to start swearing at him more, and her eyes were heavy and lidded with desire.

His own control shuddered as he stood, lifting her up and guiding her legs around his waist. Still he held back, brushing his lips against the corner of hers, making a low noise as he felt her hands slide around his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she tried to pull him closer.

Something about her goddess power, the scent of it or the feel of it thrumming against his skin, was nearly intoxicating. It was almost enough to undo him, leaving him torturing them both as she turned and kissed him hungrily, her teeth nipping at his bottom lip while she arched against him, making a low noise of frustration when he merely held her for a moment longer.

"I'm not an empress or a princess...I'm a goddess." There was more than Meriwa speaking then, a voice that wasn't quite hers that should have given him pause. Any normal person would have balked at the sound of that ancient power.

Ryker grinned and nipped her lower lip, pressing her up against the cold wall, making a low noise as it caused her to arch up into him. "I know."

He moved into her then, rocking his hips as he felt her move with him, demanding more. He had wanted to tease her more, wanted to draw it out. But her movements, the feel of the power cracking around him and the scent of her arousal, broke his control.

They climaxed together and the resulting fury of it left him barely able to stand, his face pressed into her throat, arms wrapped around her, holding her tight into him as she panted. He stood like that for ages, refusing to let her go with her, gripping him just as tightly before she made a soft noise and shifted, kissing his temple and pulling back from him.

Meriwa slid down his body, standing unsteadily, her arms snaking around him quickly when he moved to take a step away. "No. Stay."

Ryker supposed he should have given her a hard time for that because of course he wasn't going anywhere, but he merely grinned and grabbed the shampoo from behind her before starting to wash her. As he worked, he didn't step any further away from her than he needed to: washing her hair, massaging her scalp, and gently rinsing the soap out before following with the conditioner. Then he turned his attention to scrubbing her body. Ryker trailed kisses as he stroked and cleaned her, taking his time, his movements delicate, reverent.

Only once she began to rinse off did he take a step back, running a hand through his hair to pull it back from his eyes.

He was about to take another step when she grabbed his wrist, holding him in place. "My turn."

Ryker opened his mouth to make a smart ass comment about not wanting to smell like cinnamon and oranges, only to find himself tugged back close and spun so that he was nearly leaning back against the cold tile wall. It was Meriwa, but it was also the other part of her, not that he would have resisted if it had just been the semi-human demanding him to remain there. When the goddess filled her hand with shampoo, he ducked his head to allow her to reach, leaning into her ministrations as she returned the favour.

"Now you smell like me." Meriwa came through, sounding oddly proud of that and drawing a grin from Ryker. He often had the exact same thought process with Daryl using his shampoo and soap. He understood her sentiments.

Once she was done, when he had rinsed off and then turned off all the shower heads, he grabbed her towel and dried her off, grinning when she smacked him a couple times and demanded that she could do it herself. The daze from her climax was wearing off, and the goddess had retreated for now, leaving his stubborn and crass Meriwa.

He wouldn't have it any other way. Grinning, he ignored her, going so far as to wrap her towel around her, though he chuckled when she stubbornly stole the pink towel she had given him and returned the favour by toweling him off.

She grumbled about stupid men, her movements rough, though she didn't hide her grin very well. He let her dry him, chuckling then laughing more when she smacked his ass for his amusement at her.

It was only once she had finished, stepping back from tying the towel around his waist that she turned around and looked at her locker. "Oh shit. Your stuff isn't in here."

"You wanna go out for dinner, Princess?" Ryker grinned and shrugged, ignoring the worry in her voice and walking toward the door. "I'll take you someplace super seedy and cheap but with great food. A place that would worry the hell out of Daryl and be far too low class for King Vampire. In fact, if you tell Car I took you there, he's probably going to smack me around a bunch."

"That sounds perfect." Meriwa grinned at him, before scowling. "I want my towel back."

"I'll meet you in ten minutes?" Ryker laughed and paused at the door, glancing down at the towel then smirking at her. "Alright."

He took off the towel and tossed it at her, walking out the door as she yelled at him, saying something about him not being able to walk around naked. Eventually she'd come to realize that he really didn't care about stuff like that, though his senses had told him that no one was in the hallway.

He wouldn't have gone out there if he had heard someone else down on the level, not because it would have embarrassed him. It wouldn't have. It would have embarrassed her. Ryker was an asshole, but he wasn't that much of a prick to embarrass the woman he loved. 

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