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Meri let out a slow breath and smiled down to Ryker, letting her fingers run through that soft blond hair of his. It had grown longer when she was gone, and he had not ended up cutting it. Though he had shaved that god awful beard he had grown. She hadn't even known vampires could grow beards. None of them had them before her death. So Meri had just figured vampyrism stopped facial hair.

"I think he needs the attention, to be honest." Meri murmured, while rocking her hips ever so slightly, though it was enough for her to feel Ryker's arousal and for him to open his eyes a smidgen. His hands remained under his head as he watched her as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Ryker grinned slowly, exposing slightly elongated canines. "Like Urdu?"

Meri paused at that, thinking back and trying to remember if Daryl had ever come across Tim's mate. "You don't think he picked up something from..."

"She was around when you two were sick. You three, I mean." Ryker shrugged before glancing up to the ceiling and laughing softly. "Or maybe it's just another part of him. Maybe it's a part of what he actually is. He never liked the limelight before Hawaii."

When Ryker's gaze started getting distant, his face settling into something close to pain, and Meri leaned down over him and brushed her lips across his. It brought his attention back to her, and he grinned against her lips, one hand sliding out from under his head to cup the nape of her neck. He kissed her deeper, rocking his body up into hers and allowing her to feel just how interested he was.

"I'm not having sex in the training room." Meri laughed softly against his lips, blushing when the movement of his hips threatened to distract her from that decision. They were fully clothed and he didn't even use his hands, nor was he moving all that much, but his attention was already having dangerous side effects as he nipped his bottom lip.

"You're afraid of everyone smelling it. We use really good cleaners...the smell doesn't last more than a day or two." Ryker had no couth, none, and though it made Meri blush further, she grinned. But before she could say anything he chuckled. "And not just from my experience thank you. Even tight ass Tim has used these rooms for more than training."

"No!" Meri laughed and shook her head. "I couldn't do it now! I don't want to share a sex spot with Tim!"

Ryker shifted then, his movement so smooth that Meri didn't fully understand how he did it. But he was standing, her legs wrapped around his waist, his arms around her back, holding her up as he started toward the door.

Meri slid down his body to stand, and though he didn't resist her, he let one of his arms linger around her, before sliding his hand down her arm and giving her wrist a gentle tug. "I know one place for sure that Tim has never had sex in."

If Meri was going to hesitate, that indecision would have been thoroughly dissolved when he flashed her a disarmingly mischievous grin. This was the Ryker that few people got to see, the one hidden under all the assholery that explained why Daryl put up with him and why Carbry had never given up on the man.

When she was following him, Ryker let go of her wrist, his fingers sliding over her skin, lingering before dropping away, prompting Meri to catch his hand and lace their fingers together, though she laughed softly as he pulled her down the hall and into the women's change room. No one was in there, thankfully. It was early enough in the day that the building's working floors were empty, though Meri still felt a thrill of fear when Ryker let go of her hand and stepped into the large communal shower and started turning on the water, dancing expertly around the sprays until the whole tile shower room was running.

Ryker's Guide (Spicy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora