Dont say it (23)

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Laurens POV

Today was Camila's 3rd day at work, she was a natural. Once I showed her the ropes on the first day shes been able to do it on her own ever since. Noah has no childcare and Sinu cant do it everyday so Noah comes with her and thats cool because it give him and I a chance to hang more.

Currently Noah and I were in a diner, I said I would take him out for a little special day were he gets to choose everything we do, instead of being in my office most of the day.

So first on the list was food. Which made me laugh because hes so like Camila.

"So whats it going to be bud? Pancakes? Waffles? Bacon? What we in the mood for?" I ask him as he sits across from me eyebrows knitted together as he studies the menu. I know he cant read properly yet so it just makes him so adorable.

"Hmm Im thinking burgers, fries and a shake" he states tapping the picture of the burger on the menu before dropping the menu to the table. "What about you Laurie? What you in the mood for?" He says copying my words to him.

I glance at the menu before glancing up at him "You know what I think Im just going to have the same as you"

He looks at me grinning "Good choice bud" he says before tapping the table and looking around.

"I havent been here before" he looks around the building studying everything and i cant help but smile at how darn cute he is. Camila makes good babies.

"This is my favourite place to come"

"Maybe we need to take mama some time?" He looks at me hopeful and when I nod he just grins.

An older waitress walks over to us and Noah suddenly goes very shy

"Hey there Im Gail and Il be your waitress for today, what can I get you guys?" She looks at Noah who ducks his head making her giggle and look at me

"We'll have 2 burgers, fries and 2 chocolate shakes please" she writes our order down and then excuses herself.

"So buddy whats the plan for today? What you wanna do?" I ask him and he shuffles in his seat to rest his elbows on the table and using his knuckles as a head rest.

"I was thinking maybe we could go shopping for mama? Get her some flowers?"

This kid was too cute. He could do anything he wants and he chooses to go for shopping for his mom.

"Thats very sweet of you...and we can do that yes but isnt there something else you would want to do?"

He taps his chin with his fist and tilts his head "We could fix mommys car? Shes so sad that she cant fix it so maybe we could fix it for her and then she would be happy again?"

My heart is literally melting with him and his love for Camila.

"I dont know how to fix cars do you?" I say laughing

"Well no but we could take it somewhere and someone could do it for us? I have $5 in my piggy bank so we could use that"

Hes killing me. I dont even think he knows how adorable he is being.

"I think we need more than 5 bucks dude but I have an idea...but before we get into that isnt there something you want to do that is fun for you" I poke his cheek and he giggles.

"We could go looking at puppies?"

Oh no. If we go looking at puppies then he will want one and hel give me cute puppy dog eyes and il end up buying him a puppy and Camz would kill me.


"Yeah I love puppies dont you?" He looks at me with eyebrows raised

"I do...but why do you want to go look at puppies?" I giggle lightly as his smile grows wide

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