Caught red handed (5)

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"So she's letting you have it for free?" Dinah says looking at me shocked. 

Every Tuesday morning Dinah came round for breakfast and coffee, before work. Today i was running late, I had a shift at the bakery and Noah was throwing one of he strops about not wanting to go to see his Nanna. My mom has been a great help, I would drop Noah at kindergarten and she would then pick him up and keep him until my shift ended. However now Noah was out for the summer, so my mom was finding it hard to keep him entertained, especially as Sofi was not home anymore and my dad was always at work.

I was rushing around the kitchen, trying to pack snacks into a lunchbox for Noah, just incase my mom didn't have time to get any, at the same time i was trying to keep an eye on the pancakes i was making for breakfast. Dinah however just sat the kitchen table, questioning me about Lauren. 

"Yes...She wants to be friends and she hasn't opened the park to the public yet so she thinks it would be good for her to see how the kids react to it" 

I keep my eye on the pancakes, my back to Dinah, but i can feel her eyes on me so i glance round and she has this amused smirk on her face. I roll my eyes "What D?" She just shrugs and holds her smirk 

"Doesn't it seem weird to you that a really hot lesbian, who you met at a bar, is suddenly being so nice to you and offering you all this and doesn't have any further motive other than 'she wants to be friends'...Please she wants you to reward her with some finger action and you know it" 

God, does she have to be so crude. Isn't it possible for someone just to be nice to people these days without having an alternative motive? I can feel myself getting worked up and I don't even know why but i just scoff and turn my head back to the pancakes, flipping them out onto a plate

"Unless, you want to pay with sex? I mean i seen how flirty you were with her, so maybe you want it" 

That's it! I storm over to her, slam the plate of pancakes onto the middle of the table, making Dinah flinch. 

"NOAH FOOD NOW!!! As for you.."I poke her arm, pushing lightly "I do not want fucking sex with the woman! God can't she just do something nice?! Is it so hard to believe that a lesbian could be friends with a straight woman?...Now I was not fucking flirting with her Dinah! I am not attracted to women, never mind Lauren" 

I was flustered and angry, I wasn't attracted to women so how dare Dinah try to insinuate that i wanted to fuck Lauren, and especially just so i could get something for free, who does she think i am! 

Dinah looks at me wide eyed and a little stunned, its not very often that i raise my voice at her

"Yo, Mila calm down...I was just messing with you. I know you don't like women, besides even if you did what would be the problem, i'd love you anyway..." I glare at her and I am about to blow up on her again, when she quickly interrupts "But your not so its okay, just take a breath woman! Maybe she is just a nice woman...You should invite her to poker night so I can meet her, since you guys are going to be hanging out more" 

I place both hands on the kitchen counter behind me, duck my head and take a deep breathe. Why am i so worked up? Lauren is gay, yes but that doesn't mean shes just trying to get into my pants does it? she seems to nice for that. Plus she can have any woman so why waste her time and effort on me, when she can snap her fingers and have them dropping like flies, she even had my sister swooning over. I hear small patters of feet and turn around to see Noah, stood in his red skinny jeans, white shirt and denim jacket...He must have dressed himself, and he looks so damn cute. 

"Pancakes? Yayy!! My favourite...Oh hey aunt DD" He gives Dinah a big hug then takes the seat next to and motions for her to put a pancake on his plate. 

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