who i want to be (9)

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The sound of muffled voices, awoke me from my quiet slumber. Who the hell is talking so loud? And what fucking time is it? God why did i drink so much? What time did i go to bed? Okay i can do this, just lift my head a little and open my eyes...Shit no, no close your eyes! God who made the sun so fucking strong! Maybe if I just roll over and face away from the window it'l be easier. ?What the fuck...is that a hand? My eyes shoot open, disregarding my sensitivity to light round now...Lauren? What the hell is Lauren doin- 

Then like Im watching a movie in my head, the flashbacks come flooding in. Me opening up to Lauren, me kissing Lauren, me pulling her on top of my body, me begging her to kiss me! My heart starts to race and my stomach feels like i am about to empty its insides out. I kissed Lauren, I fucking kissed Lauren, Lauren my friend, Lauren my GIRL friend...and i enjoyed it! God did i enjoy it, I remember how her tongue seemed to move with perfect precision, her hands on my body ignited a fire in me...But shes a girl! Im not gay. 

I'm not g-

"Mama?!" Noah? What the hell is Noah doing home? Shit, if Noah's home that means my 

"Mija? Karla where are you?" I jump up suddenly, heart racing and nervous. If my mom comes up here and see me in bed with Lauren then she'll wonder whats going on. She'll some how figure out i like Lauren and we kissed, she has this freaky six sense shit...My head start to spin and i feel like im about to get sick. 

"Camz?" I hear that raspy voice that sounds even sexier through a sleepy tone. God i could just kiss her right now...No! Camila, no! You can't kiss her, youre a mother and straight woman. Last night was just fueled by alcohol..but God was it good 

"Camz, whats wrong?" I stand up and grab my sweatpants, throwing them on not daring to look at the Godess in my head, because i know one look and il be back in that bed kissing her.

"Mama? Are you still sleeping?" I hear Noah shouting

"Is that Noah?" Lauren asks, i continue to ignore her and her goddamn sexy voice, throwing my hair into a quick messy bun. I rush over to the door and as soon as my hand reaches the knob i hear her once again 

"Camila!" Her tone is stern and pleading, I duck my head and sigh keeping my gaze on my shoulder 

"Not now Lauren, Noah is home and i need to get rid of my mom" I don't know why i was so against Lauren meeting my mom, if she met her downstairs i could say she slept in Noah's room or something but i was making a bigger deal out of it than there needed to be. I hear her sigh and before she can say anything else i open the door and slip out closing it tight behind me. 

When i get to the hall, i hear Noah's door open and a sleepy looking Dinah appearing, once she sees me she opens one eye and gives me the thumbs up "Oh good your up, I was just about to go down there and bust your son for waking me" I just smile and rush quickly down the stairs. 

"Honey?" I call out, trying to sound as normal as possible. 

"Ay Dios Mija, its 1 in the afternoon and you still are in bed?" 

Its 1? Shit, i never sleep in! 

I hug my mother quickly and then grab Noah pulling him for a long hug 

"I was cleaning actually...How is my handsome boy, were you a good boy?" I glance around quickly and notice that someone has cleaned the whole downstairs, usually when i wake the next day after a poker night i spend hours cleaning up the mess. 

"Yeah! Nana made me waffles and bacon and pa taught me how me to click my fingers, listen" He holds his hand to my ear and clicks his fingers, then laughs when he hears the sound

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