The bet winnings (11)

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Lauren's POV

"I just don't think getting involved with her is wise, she a single mother Lauren...A straight single mother at that, did you even think about what the kids father will say about his kids mother dating a woman? What if he wants to meet you? Are you prepared for all this?"

I had been on the phone with Normani now for a good 20 minutes talking about Camila. Last night she had kissed me, again, this time she wasn't drunk so that has too mean she wanted to kiss m? that she likes me for real? I know its stupid for me to be involved with a straight woman who is still confused about why she is having feeling for another woman, but there is just something about her. Something that makes me wants to be around her. Something i can't even explain. I have never felt this way around anyone in such a short space of time.

"Mani, It was a couple of kisses. You're acting like i'm about to marry the girl...And so what if she has a kid, that doesn't bother me and if the dad wants too meet me then that just makes him a good dad, but Camila has never mention him and neither has Noah to be honest so i don't even know what that situation is"

Honestly all this is so exhausting, i only called her to tell her that she had kissed me sober this time and next thing i know shes going in on me like there is no tomorrow.

"I just don't see it working out well Lauren and i know how you get, you go in all guns blazing and don't think about the consequences, shes straight Lauren and its not just her there is two people you have to take into consideration...I just don't want you getting attached and then getting hurt" She sighs knowing she isn't going to change my mind off Camila but apart of me knows shes right. I am stupid for getting involved maybe, but life is about risks right?

"I know you just looking out for me Mani but i know what i'm getting myself into and like i said its just a few kisses nothing serious so calm it...Now are you working Loca tonight?" I quickly try to change the topic because I know how Normani can be, she won't let something go.

"I hope you do...and yeah i think will. Look i have to shoot on here but i'll call you later okay?"

"Okay, love you Mani"

"Love you to girl"

I hang up and sigh, throwing myself back into the sofa. I'm heading to Camila's soon and to be honest i am a little nervous, she hasn't text me at all today so i'm a little worried maybe shes freaking out over our kiss last night. I remember the first girl i had ever kissed and i was the same, the moment i was with her and wanted to kiss her it was like something came over me but the minute that person left and i was on my own i would lay thinking about what it all meant and i would talk myself in circles until finally one day i just accepted the fact i liked women. Camila however has a son and i know how much more she has to figure out.

I just hope she doesn't shut off from her feelings from me and go back to not wanting anything but friendship again


Camila's POV

"Wait YOU kissed her?! Again" Dinah says sat on my sofa shocked. She came round this morning to tell me all about her night and some random guy she met at the club with Normani, then we some how ended up on the topic of Lauren once again and well i told her about the kiss.

"Yes! I don't know what happened Dinah, one minute we were looking at photos and before i know i'm straddling her and kissing her like my life depended on it" I close my eyes and throw my head back frustrated. Lauren Jauregui is messing up my head and i have no idea what to do. I feel a hand on my leg and i look up to see Dinah smiling at me

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