Best friends (26)

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Dinah's POV

Camila had text me earlier to say she was on her way to tell her parents about Lauren and too say I was proud of her was an understatement. I honestly never thought the girl would bring herself to do it but she clearly really likes Lauren. Im glad she found someone who makes her so happy, she deserves it more than anyone.

I hadnt heard from her in a while but I guess no news is good news right? If they had of disowned her I would have heard something by now.

I was on my way to Normani's house and I feel like this is the time when we will finally take the next step in whatever it is we have going on. I'm still waiting on her to figure out the right time to kiss me and I wish she would just hurry up and do it because I cant handle the tension between us anymore.

You ever get that feeling when youre in the presence of someone you really fucking fancy and it consumes you? You cant think about anything but how that persons lips would feel like? How their body feels against yours? Every second of being around them just makes you want too reach over and kiss the hell out of them? Well try having that feeling for weeks. Im a red blooded woman, I have needs and Normani Kordei brings those needs to an all new high.

I pull up to her house and have to restrain myself from hopping out of the car and running to her door. This is what she does to me. She has turned me into this needy bitch who just wants to be in her presence like all the damn time. But I remind myself I am Dinah-Jane, I dont do the chasing I am the one whose chased. But I just cant help myself when it comes to her. I guess this is how Camila feels about Lauren and now I understand why she was so freaked out. When someone consumes your very being it freaks you out.

I walk slowly up her drive just incase shes watching me and I dont want to come across to eager to see her. And I guess my theory of her watching me was true because before I even reach the door it flings open and shes stood there grinning at me.

"Girl why you walking like youre in slow-mo?" She lets out this loud laugh and I cant help but laugh with her. Now im embarrassed, perhaps I was walking too slow.

"I just wanted to give you more time to watch me" I give her a little cheeky flirtatious wink and watch as she blushes.

"Very kind of you boo"

Boo? Thats new but I like it.

She steps aside and ushers me inside. I dont know why I suddenly feel nervous. Something in the air feels different. Its more tense that usual.

We make our way to the living room and throw myself down onto the sofa.
"I know I say it all the time but this sofa is heaven!"

Seriously you need to try it. Its like what I would imagine sitting on a cloud would feel like. You literally sink into and almost become part of it.

She takes my ankles and swings them off the sofa raising her left eyebrow "Yeah and you better keep your shoes off my $8000 sofa"

$8000?! On a fucking sofa. Nah bitch be lying. Aint noone spending $8000 on a damn couch!

I suddenly sit up straight in fear of even creasing the thing. I throw myself on this little cloud all the time like its nothing but now I have a serious fear of ruining it.

"You spent 8000 bucks on this thing?"

She shrugs and shakes her head. Now im confused.

"Course I didnt you think I'm fucking crazy? Lauren on the other hand, yes she paid 8000 bucks for it"

Lauren be throwing money at everyone like its fucking candy at Halloween.

"She did?! Wow I need to start spending more one on one time with Lauser"

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