Chapter 5 Edited Up To Here

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"The first night, she told me how she still loved Aaron and wanted to have his pups. We were arguing and I just got mad." 

"What did you say?" She demands.

"I said she was mine...and that every night she would, you know, have sex with me....and uh, carry my pups." I admit; this was the single most embarrassing thing I have ever told my mother. Or anyone for that matter.

"You're an idiot, Son." My mom breaths out.


"You're an idiot." She repeats. "You found your mate, and instead of being kind and gentle, you pretty much said you'd rape and knock up a 15-year-old child; she's still a pup herself and you expect her to carry yours already?" She speaks without hesitation.

"I just said the truth. Okay, the pups were out of line, but she will give me some soon. She's mine and I expect her to realize that!" I argue.

"Oh god. She is 15 years old! You know wolves first shift when we're 13, so her wolf is barely 2 years old! Do you not realize that you're 6 years older than her, that your wolf is 4 times as old as hers? Her wolf isn't sexually mature, not for at least 2 more years!"

"Yeah..." I trail off.

"What did they teach you at that academy? She and Aaron were friends for years before they fell in love. You've known her for what, 5 days? Your wolf is mature, meaning the attraction you feel for her is no where near what she feels for you. Get it through your skull that her wolf's mate bond is no where as strong as yours yet."

"The academy and you and Dad all told me that my mate would love me as soon as I met her."

"That's true when your mate is 18 or older."

"That's something I was never told. But I realize that I have to make her fall in love with me and not just sit back and let the mate bond do the work." I have to let her love me, by doing anything I can.

"I have to make her fall in love with me, not just let the mate bond do the work." I could do this stuff, if it meant she'd like me.

I suddenly realize that there's no way Lexi is ready to mature. She had no idea that she would ever have the responsibility of a Beta, let alone the Alpha Female of one of the biggest packs in the world.

She thought she had years left of freedom.

Being my mate won't allow that.


I wake up this morning, ready to shove Nickolas off, but the space next to me is empty. I smile in triumph and snuggle into the blankets. He must've finally gotten the message.

And I jinxed myself, because then Nickolas unlocks the door and walks in. I whine and cover my face.

"C'mon Lexi, check this out." He calls me. I groan and sit up in bed. I stare at the stuff he has in his hands. He slowly lines them up on the table in front of the couch; glow in the dark stickers for the ceiling, a 3D castle, a Bop It and a large gift bag.

He pushes the spinning chair to me and I join him by the table as he opens the puzzle. 

"Where do want these stickers?" I point directly over the bed.

"Make a little and big dipper, so I can see them every night." He chuckles and starts assembling them on the ceiling while I work on the puzzle. I continue coaching him while eating the freshly arrived pancakes.

He finishes and then puts in some movies as I continue to work on the puzzle. Don't judge me, I absolutely love puzzles; and I knew I wasn't stopping until I finished it.

Young Mate (Wattys2016)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin