Anxiety and It's Cure

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Basing this on my anxiety that I have been experiencing recently

I woke up to my stupid alarm screaming down my ear. Another college day was upon me... great. I lifted my bedsheets to sit up and start getting ready. Once I washed and brushed my teeth, I walked over to my bedroom and started to put some make up on. Nothing fancy, I couldn't be bothered doing any big colours. I just put on some foundation, mascara and lip gloss. Once I finished, I went ahead and got changed into a hoodie and some jeans. Just as I put a hoodie on to finish changing, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come In!" I called out to whoever was behind the door.

"It's me. Morning love" Dom, my boyfriend of 1 year walked in, being his smiley, happy self. I, on the other hand, felt my stomach start to churn and my breathing started to become heavy. As he came closer to me and hugged me, he noticed that my breathing was off.

"Everything alright, babe?" The amount of concern started to become visible in his voice. I just looked up into his hazel green eyes and shook my head, feeling tears starting to burn my eyes. The sickly feeling in my stomach began to worsen as the time came closer to leave and catch my train. This wasn't something new for me, I have suffered with this anxiety since I was very little, I just thought it started to pass as I got older. Since I started to go to college, it started up again. It'd make me feel like vomiting every morning on the way to college and end on my way home again. Dom was aware but hadn't experienced it with me.

Not long passed before I made a run for the bathroom. The feeling had gotten to me. Dom followed behind me, panicked. As I vomited, Dom was knelt behind me, rubbing my back and holding my hair back. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. All I could do was cry and tremble on the floor. Dom took me into his arms and grabbed my shaking hands, squeezing them lightly to try and stop them from shaking as much. He noticed how quick and short my breaths were too, so he spun me around. He wiped my eyes that now had smeared mascara all over them. He cupped my cheek with his right hand and started kissing my forehead before making me look into his dreamy green eyes.

"(Y/N), look at me, love. It's gonna be ok. It's all gonna be fine. I need you to calm down for me, baby. I need you to breathe slowly for me. Do it with me, breathe in... and breathe out... in... and out. You're doing great, gorgeous, keep it up." I followed what Dom did, attempting to breathe in and out through my sobs and shivers. his encouraging words helped me slowly calm down.

"You know, babe, you don't have to go in. You can take the day off. At the end of the day, your mental health comes fir--"

"No, Dom. I can't. I can't let my teachers down. It's all I ever do." I started to cry more then fall into his shoulder.

"(Y/F/N)!! Don't you dare!! You don't let your teachers down at all. Babe, your health is more important than college work. You need this day off, look at you. You're sat on the bathroom floor, vomiting, not being able to stand. You NEED the time off." I looked up at Dom's handsome face and sniffled. I knew that I would be behind with my work if I stayed home but Dom was right. Not only is my anxiety been worsening before college, I haven't been able to go out in public without having a panic attack. I nodded at Dom before the feeling in my stomach started to make me sick again. I started to vomit again, Dom pulled my hair back almost immediately and started kissing my back, then upwards towards my neck. In the end, he was bent forward, still holding my hair and kissing my neck and my shoulders. He kept whispering encouraging things in my ear in between each kiss and helped me focus on my breathing.

Eventually, the feeling started to wear off. I knew it wouldn't stay gone but it gave me enough time to call my college and tell them I wasn't showing up with an explanation as to why. Dom had left for a few minutes to go to the shop. He wouldn't tell me why, he just got up and left, telling me he'd be back in a few mins. Which he did. I was still upstairs, but I heard him come in with the occasional curse word and bangs on the floor, as if he kept dropping things. Before he left, he gave me my phone in case I needed anything, so he called me and told me to get all of the blankets and pillows from our bedroom. I stood up from the toilet and walked over to the bed, ragging each and every one from the mattress. I brought them downstairs, he snagged them from my grasp and told me to wait upstairs for about half an hour. I was confused, but I complied, still feeling like I needed to stay in the bathroom for a bit longer. I assumed my previous position but then took my phone and started to play Dom's music. Eventually, my eyes started to become heavy so I put my head down on the floor next to the toilet, not wanting to move. I closed my eyes and started to sink into a light nap.

Yungblud ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora