Polygraph Eyes (pt.1)

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Basing this off his song but with my own spin on it 😉

I left my mum and dad's house round about midnight. I've been waiting for my friend, Lavender's birthday bash for SO LONG!! This is the first time she's been able to LEGALLY drink rather than showing up to clubs with fake id's. I met her at our local shop to buy some wine to down before going to the club, just like we've always done. Once I approached the shop, I saw her, bag in hand. I started to run, but my heels kept me from going a quicker pace than my normal walking speed. I still made the effort and we jumped into a big hug.
"Happy birthday queen!!! The big 18 is finally HERE!!!" I screamed, making the whole neighbourhood stare at us. We walked back to her house where she lived alone. She stayed in her dad's place after he passed away not long after her 17th birthday last year, her mum has also passed, but when she was very young. Anyway, we blasted music, we finished our make up and most importantly, we drank.

Time skip~~~~

We were waiting in the queue to the dance floor, wine in hand because we didn't finish it completely in the house. We were already half-shot so we were really loud compared to others. Once we got in, we went straight to the bar and ordered shots after shots. We went onto the dance floor and danced, a lot! We danced with each other, we danced with other people, then we went back to the bar for more drinks. We were pretty reckless then, only just being able to legally drink and all. Before long, Lavender told me she was going to lay off the drinks but that I was ok to keep going if I wanted to as she had work the next day. So I continued drinking and we continued to go back and forth from the dance floor. Each time we went up, there was a man. An unfamiliar man, who I'd never met before, and he kept offering to dance and obviously me, being drunk, I accepted every time. He complimented me and my fashion sense and he also asked whether I had a boyfriend or not, to which I told the truth, I had an amazing boyfriend who went by the name Yungblud. Mr Dominic Harrison. "It's a shame, but I wouldn't blame him, look at this ass," he slapped it lightly, making me jump a little, "and those big tits of yours. God, the attention you must get from him would be doubled if it were me dating you." I just laughed and thanked him with every compliment he gave.

Eventually, I was completely out of it. I was blackout drunk. My feet were killing, I had blisters. I couldn't speak, couldn't walk and definitely couldn't run. The man who kept inviting me to dance offered to bring me home. Again, drunk me accepted and we left the club. "Here, love, have my boots, I'll get you home." I stumbled out of the club, underneath the arm of this man while wearing his boots. He carried me to the kerb and flagged a cab. He told the driver an address that wasn't familiar to me, but I didn't have the brain space to question it. I was in and out of consciousness as we were in the car.
"Come on, sexy. Just wait until you get home, don't want you getting lost in a cab, now do we?" He joked, trying to be seductive.

Time passed and we were outside of a house. It wasn't mine, but I couldn't question it, I just needed a bed and some sleep. The unknown pulled me through the front door and pinned me against the wall. I squealed a small bit as I hit my head off the wall.
"You're gonna wish you were my girlfriend, I'm gonna fuck you so good that you'll forget about this little Yungblud of yours."

That's all I remember from that night...

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