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(Can we appreciate baby Dom btw)

Everything had been getting to me recently. Uni had me driven up the wall with work. My parents wouldn't stop nagging at me for different things. I was never home, I was working so much overtime at my part time job to make up for lost time. The amount of things running through my head at once just gave me a headache. It was as if I had no escape for the week.

I came home from work, late as usual, I slammed the door and lashed my bag over the bannister lazily then walked into the living room to flip down onto the couch. I just wanted to scream. I had uni homework to be completed which would lead me to no sleep again. I was already so drained from work making me work overtime. I took my phone from my pocket and check my messages to see 4 of them. Two from Mum and two from Dad. Both of them read similarly.

~Mum~: hiya love, you still need to visit your brother for his birthday, he says he misses you. You should come see us too. Love you ❤️

~Dad~: (y/n), you need to see your brother. He wants to see you. Your mum misses you too. Try to make more of an effort, love

I threw my phone on the floor, not caring if it broke. I took the pillow from behind me and screamed into it. I just wanted to sleep and not wake up for a week. Right in the middle of my scream-fest, I heard keys rattling in the door and footsteps entering the house. I kept my head where it was, I couldn't be bothered moving. I listened to the footsteps come closer to the living room. They stopped once they entered the living room for a moment.

"Alright love? What's the problem?" My boyfriend, Dom asked before walking over to me to see if I was ok. I looked up to him, shook my head and put my head back into the pillow. He quickly took me into his arms and embraced me. He sat beside me, hugging me and rocking my back and forth.

"What's getting you down, sweetheart?" Dom asked, hoping to get an answer. I broke down before I could say anything. I couldn't get a word out without wanting to cry. Dom continued to rock me back and forth, now shushing me, trying to calm me down.

"I-I'm just s-so stressed." I managed to say, finally, hugging Dom tighter.

"How come, darlin'?"

"I'm g-getting home late a-all the time because o-of work... I-I'm being constantly n-nagged at... a-and uni's given me a shit-ton of homework to g-get done through the weekend. I-I can't do it. I have s-so much to do, I-I can't even visit m-my family!" I sobbed into Dom's chest as my emotions took over my body once more.

"Aww baby... it's gonna be ok. It will, I promise." Dom said, trying to make me feel better. He held me tighter, still rocking me, making me feel better, slowly but surely.

"I can help you, if you want." He suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, homework-wise. I'll help you with your homework. At least try. As long as it's out of the way. It will be quicker with the two of us working on it. Come on." Dom stood me up and walked me to our bedroom. I sat at the desk where my computer is sat and made a start on the homework as Dom went to grab a chair.

"I can't fucking do this." I whispered to myself.

"Yes you can." Dom said from the bedroom door, making me jump. "What's the problem?"

"Maths." I joked before I read the question to Dom. He took out his phone to use the calculator and find the answer.

"340." He read, showing me his phone. I sighed and wrote it down. We continued this until my Maths homework was complete.

"Right...." I looked around my desk which was scattered with papers until I found the second piece of the homework.

"Science... great."I sighed before putting my head on the desk.

"Do you want to take a break and I'll make you a cuppa?" Dom asked, rubbing my back. I nodded my head and mumbled "yes please." Dom then made his way downstairs to make us drinks. I lifted myself off my chair and started pacing around the room, stressed half to death. My head in my hands, my hands becoming cold and shaken.

"Hey..." Dom said, concerned. He quickly put down the cups and ran over to my aid. He took me by the shoulders and looked down to me.

"Relax, darlin'. We're gonna get it done by the end of tonight, trust me." He reassured me, kissing my head and holding me tight.

"Come on, the more time we spend away from it, the less chance we'll get it finished" Dom lead me back to my chair and we got my Science homework finally completed. Once it was done, I went to grab the next piece of homework before Dom grabbed my hand.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" I shook my head.

"Right, then let's go to bed, we'll wake up nice and early and get this all completed. What do you say?" Dom suggested. I smiled and nodded. I was exhausted so I'm glad we stopped when we did. I turned off my desk light and got changed for bed. Dom was already in bed once I was finished changing. I lifted up the covers and got underneath them. Dom scooted over to me and took me into his arms once more.

"Get some sleep, darlin'. We'll get it all done in the morning." He suggested.

"I love you, Dom."

"I love you too, (Y/N)"

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