"Euterpe." He narrowed his eyes.

I sighed and took another bite and he smiled, "I know it's hard strawberry, I'm so proud of you. I only want you to eat what you can." He kissed my head.

"Good job babe!" Miles sipped his coffee.

I sniffed before taking another bite and after a few minutes, I was able to eat most of it. I handed the rest to August with a frown but he just smiled widely.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you." He praised.

Miles handed me my coffee and I immediately started sipping on it. Maybe if I drank it all now then the muffin flavor would be gone.

Miles look at me, "I know you want to ride your bike but it's going to poor today so we're taking the car. I wanted to ride too but no ma'am." He shook his head at my disappointed face.

"We told some guy when we got here... I think his name was Jensen?" August furrowed his brows, "I think that's what it was but anyways he said he'll put the bike in a safe spot. It's time we get going, you need to go to the store right?" He gave me our match black jackets.

I just noticed that like me they were wearing black jeans but we all wore our colors. August had on a yellow t-shirt that had 'Turn your passion into a paycheck' embroidered on a pocket and yellow converse. Miles on the other hand was wearing a t-shirt with a small Skelton giving the middle fingers in the bottom corner with his tattoos on display and black converse. I myself was wearing a long sleeve red tee with the word heartless embroidered near the wrist. It was small to wear you couldn't see it unless you were looking closely but my jacket covered it up. I left my hair down and my black boots just added to everything. I looked down one more time to make sure I was wearing red and sighed in relief.

Ahhh... I hate myself because of that.

We were back to the SUV after leaving the store with a large bag in my hands. I got in the back while August got in the driver's seat and Miles was in the passenger seat.

"Babe?" Miles turned around.

I hummed turning to him, "I just wanted to know... why are you still coloring your hair? You know, the black hair dye. Now you don't have to look like Nolan..." he trailed off quietly.

"Because..." I frowned, "You've seen the Vaughn's, they look exactly like her, and I'm not supposed to. If they see how much we look alike then what do you think their  reaction is going to be?" I asked looking out the window, "Even if they might now see me as their sister which is fine with me... they will when they see what I really look like. Avery had strong genes but luckily mine are a tad different, I was able to look more like Nolan." I sighed.

August scoffed quietly, "I still can't believe that bitch started dyeing your hair at the age of three." His eyes narrowed turning on the SUV.

"What Avery wants Avery gets..." I muttered annoyed, "She was so upset when I didn't look like Nolan. She always said I reminded her too much of 'them' so she wanted me to look like my 'father.' Stupid bastard was never acted like a father in the past ten years. I was so little and didn't understand but then I met him..." I whispered the last part.

Nolan wasn't always there in my life apparently. For the first three years, Avery was a single mom because Nolan was in hiding. He was wanted by her ex-husband or whatever, not to mention his warrants in Russia as well so he hid for a while. I met Nolan when I was four but I don't think he knew about Avery taking me to see the Vaughn's. I don't remember any of that anyways...

"He can't hurt you anymore," Miles reassured.

I nodded, "Of course not but I just... I always wanted to know why. Why he did that to me, to his own blood." A tear fell.

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