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Ok so Starfire and beast boy lead Sky to a building shaped like 'literally like a piece of pizza. We got to sit at the top. It was awesome. Obviously the teen titans where popular because everyone was exited to see them. But they must come here a lot because they even had their own table just for them.
"Ok what should we get?"asked Sky.
"The ultimate meaty experience,"said Cyborg.
"DUDE!!!! Do you ever listen? I AM A VEGETARIAN!!!!"said Beast boy,"the veggie,tofu supreme is the bomb!"
"Do NOT try the pizza with ice cream, pickles, and mustard. It is NOT enjoyable,"said Starfire.
"Um..... How about......cheese?"said Sky.
"Ok,"they all said. That was easy.
Then Robin and Raven both finally got here.
"Where have you guys been? By the way we already ordered. You ok with cheese?"said Sky.
"Yeah that's fine. Sorry I was...resetting the training course,"said Robin,"And Raven can move stuff with her mind so she helped."
Man they were obviously lying but I wasn't gonna call their bluff. Especially if I don't know why they were lying. Maybe they had a thing going but I thought for sure Starfire liked him.
"So you guys have your own table! I was always lucky to get a table anywhere!"said Sky changing the subject.
"Well this is our favorite spot to eat at. We come here all the time,"said Beast Boy.
"Yes so they gave us the table,"said Starfire.
"That's awesome,"said Sky.
Then the waiter showed up with the pizza. It was like a battle itself getting a slice.
After everyone had eaten ,"this place has the best pizza ever!"said Sky.
"I told ya!"said Beast boy.
Sky leaned over to beast boy,"are Robin and Raven always this Quiet?"
"Raven yes. Not usually Robin though,"said Beast boy.
Suddenly beast boy was grinning ear to ear.
"What?"asked Sky.
"You know how we can figure out why he is acting like this,"said Beast boy.
"You mean...spy on him,"asked Sky.
Beast Boy turned into a fly,"I can't help it of I'm a fly on the wall,"he said then winked.
"Fine but if you get caught I'm blaming it on you,"said Sky.
"And if I don't get caught you have to eat only tofu for a week,"Beast boy whispered back.
"I hate it that you know such good dares. But seriously NO MEAT?!?!?!"
"For a whole week,"said Beast Boy smiling.
There was no way I was getting out of this,"FINE!"
"This is gonna be awesome!!!!"said Beast Boy know he had bested me.
"Just you wait I'm working on some good dares for you,"said Sky as Beast Boy rolled his eyes,"I mean it!!!"
"Sure ya do,"said Beast Boy,"so how do you like you tofu eggs?"
I just made a 'blech' face.
How did I always get into situations like this?

Teen TitansSeason 6Where stories live. Discover now