Tofu (blek!)

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Sorry about all the updates. Waiting for a new book from amazon is terrible! Luckily i have Wattpad to help! And if you are wondering I have no order of when I publish books I just write and publish when I can. I am a very busy person. Except for today

n-n book n-n

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Sky had been waiting all day and Beast Boy still hadn't returned. Hopefully he got caught. Sky hated tofu. Almost more than she loved meat. Then Beast Boy walked to the kitchen.
"Did you find anything?"Sky whispered.
"No only that Raven doesn't like you,"said Beast boy pulling out some tofu,"and I didn't get caught soooo,"he said putting the tofu on the pan,"who is hungry?"
"Ugh! I knew I should have rang some bells around you!"said Sky,"all week?"
"All week,"said Beast Boy laughing like a crazy person.
"Fine but I'm plotting revenge. Mwah Ha Ha Ha!"said Sky.
"What's with the mwah ha ha-ing,"said cyborg.
"I made a bet with Sky and she lost so she has to give up meat and use tofu instead for a week,"said Beast Boy.
"Hey you left out how I'm gonna get you back. BIG TIME!!!!!"said Sky.
"Wow how did i miss out?!"said Cyborg.
"And my revenge starts now. Cyborg did you buy you and Beast boy tickets to that movie premiere tonight?"asked Sky.
"Oh yeah I almost forgot,"said Cyborg.
"Well me and Starfire will see ya there...not!"said Sky.
"Hey! I can't find the tickets!"said Beast Boy.
"Or my car keys. Oh no. The T Car!!!!"said Cyborg.

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