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       today i was searching another town just like have been. not expecting to find her. i only wished to here something anything about her being. i heard something. i wished i hadn't. they said,"she was dead."

it was a normal day searching for her. asking anyone. showing them her picture. usually they all said no.  but this town was different. but worse a bad different. some said ,"she almost killed me". others said ,"she took over the town." i didn't believe them. i went on asking. only the responses got worse. "she killed my family."  "destroyed my home." "she's the reason i'll never walk again." untill i came to one old man with an eye patch that was hiding in the shadows.


me: why do you hide in the dark?

him: i prefer the dark. it matches my soul

me: you dont look that bad

him: you dont know me

me: have you seen this girl (holding up the picture)

him:(he seemed suprized and slightly scared) where did you get this picture

me:(i finally felt a little hope) have you seen her. it is really important that i talk to her. where is-"

him:she is dead

me:dead? (i felt my power streghnthining with my anger and sadness) how? why? was she murdered? who did this to her?! (my powers went off. i was lucky i was in that ally. or i could have blown away the entire city. i expected the man to be blown away then run away screaming. but he didnt. he held tight and smiled. HE SMILED. i was full of anger now i ran and held him up to the wall) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TERRA?!?!?!?!?! WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!

him: i my dear lovely am Slade. now who are you?

Teen TitansSeason 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora