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The titans came back today. They said they where going to gets some movies and candy. I had forgotten to tell them that it was taken down. I guess they will notice soon enough. It was nice to see them again. With them gone there were no distractions from her sister. She had cried her size in tears. She wished that she wasn't dead. Beast Boy had taken her to her statue. Since they left she went there twice but that was before the Titans East came. Maybe she would go see her again today. Free the titans came back. When she left the first time they though she left for good. And she didn't. She knew better this time. She would wait. It had been about a hour till they came back.
"I saw Terra,"said Beast Boy.
"Wait. WHAT?!?!"said Sky.
"He THINKS he saw her,"said Raven. Sky grabbed Beast Boys Shoulder,"Wait. WHAT?!?!"Sky repeated.
"She was across the street. I HAD to be her,"said Beast Boy.
"Come on,"said Sky pulling Beast Boy,"we are going to see her statue."
"Ok but don't get your hopes up,"said Robin,"it still could have been someone who looks like her."
"What? We are just going to see her statue,"said Sky almost pulling Beast Boy.


"What was going on? What did she look like? Where was she?"questioned Sky.
"Like I told you. A weird creature attacked. Just like Terra except with a schools uniform. Across the street,"said Beast Boy.
"There has to be and explanation. I mean she can't just raise from the dea-"Sky froze.
"She's gone! It's gone! Her statue is gone!"said Beast Boy.
"How?! How could this happen?!"asked Sky,"we have to go find her. Now. Come on,"said Sky once again pulling Beast Boy.


"I saw her. She was at this school,"said Beast Boy.
"What if she doesn't recognize me? What if she thinks I'm some crazy person who didn't take her medicine. I think I'm gonna pass out,"said Sky breathing fast.
"Calm down if it will calm you down I will go. Ok?"said Beast Boy.
Sky took a deep breath,"Ok."
Beast Boy left. It has been five minutes. Ten. Her phone buzzed. It was from Beast Boy.

B.B.: meet us at the pizza place

Sky:ok on my way

B.B. : ps its like she doesn't remember anything about us so be prepared


Sky was glad he couldn't see her cause she was freaking out. She was about to see Terra. Her sister. Her best friend. Oh she should get her best friend bracket to help her remember. With that Sky rushed to the tower. But by the time she got to the pizza place no one was there.

B.b.: at tower


By the time she got to the tower Beast Boy was outside.
"I'm so stupid! Why do I ruin everything?!"said Beast Boy.
"What's wrong? Where is she?"asked Sky.
"I thought she would remember she had powers and I threw mud at her. I AM SUCH A IDIOT!"said Beast Boy.
"Relax. Why don't we go see her tomorrow at her school,"said Sky sounding surprisingly calm.
"Ok your right,"said Beast Boy.

Hope you liked this chapter!!!! There is definitely more Terra stuff on the way. Don't hate me for changing stuff. I tried to keep things as normal as I could :)

Teen TitansSeason 6Where stories live. Discover now