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Sky started walking home. Well to the tower. When a thought occurred to her.
"Oh man! I've never been to a party! What goes on?! Do you eat there?! Is it gonna be a sleep over?! What do I wear?! Oh No! That's the first time I've questioned my outfit for something other than comfort! What is wrong with me?!"
Sky was still talking to herself as she entered the tower. Sky didn't notice everyone looking at her.
"Um...Sky? What's wrong?"asked Beast Boy.
"Have you all ever been to a party?"asked Beast Boy.
"Are you kidding? I've been to millions of parties! Why do you ask?"said Beast Boy.
Sky fell/sat on the couch,"I need your help."
"What?"asked Beast Boy.
The others kind of just blocked us out.
"Terra invited me to a party. And I've never been to one. EVER! What do I do?!?!?!?!"said Sky freaking out again.
"Woah! Sky calm down. I'll help you. Ok?"said Beast Boy.
"Ok thanks,"said Sky hugging Beast Boy,"your a life saver. Are you blushing?"asked Sky.
" I'm hungry,"said Beast Boy hurrying to the fridge.
That was weird. Does he always act like that? I don't remember anything like that happening. Suddenly remembering her heavy load on her back.
"I got to go do my homework. Be back in a few,"said Sky leaving.
"Ok,"said Beast Boy not turning from the fridge.
"School sucks doesn't it?"said Cyborg.
"Yeah,"said Sky.
Star and Robin were to busy talking.
Raven looked up for like one second,"whatever."
Man. Moody much? I thought just yesterday we were friends. What happened? This was going to be crazy.

Teen TitansSeason 6Where stories live. Discover now