The party

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"You really want to do this?"asked Beast Boy.
He hadn't stopped bugging her about this all day. But the time had finally arrived. The party!!! Sky couldn't say she wasn't nervous but part of her was really excited.
"Yes I'm doing it,"said Sky as they stopped in front of Terra's house,"You didn't have to walk me ya know right?"
"Yeah I know. Be safe ok?"said Beast Boy.
"Since when did you become a worrying adult?"Sky joked.
She turned and went inside.
"Sky!"said Terra,"I'm so glad you could come! You remember Natasha and Delilah right?"
They were her friends,"yeah. Hi guys,"said Sky.
Sky looked all around. The whole school must have been here. It was FULL of people. Sky recognized maybe five of them. She wasn't that popular. But the people were just talking. Some drinking punch and eating refreshments.
Terra had a big house. It wasn't as be as the tower but big.
Sky realized she had been late to the party but now everyone was looking at her. Maybe ,hopefully they didn't recognize her.
"CAKE TIME!!!!"yelled Terra. And everyone ran to the kitchen.
Sky stuck to the back of the crowd. Maybe she should find Terra's dad. He had to be here somewhere. But where? That question didn't last long. Before Sky knew it there was a bag over her head. It smelled strangely of chemicals. Then suddenly everything went black.

Teen TitansSeason 6Where stories live. Discover now