He's your 'father'?!?!?!

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Sky awoke. She was tried to a chair. In a dark room. What happened? She had gone to the party to help Terra and all she did was get kidnapped. She looked around. She tried using her air but only banged her around. She was about to try something else when a door opened.
"Here I was trying to think up ways to find you and then you show up at my daughters school. Lucky enough she liked you. And all I had to do was plant the idea to invite you to her party. And here you are."
He stepped into the light.
"Slade? How did you find me? Why were you 'thinking up ways to find me'? Why did you tell Terra you were here father? You told me she was...she was...dead! YOU LIED TO ME?!?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH?!?!?!?! I...I... AHHHHH!!!!"she shot a burst if air at him sending him back into the wall.
"This my dear is why I was looking for you. You have great power. Now you have to listen. I only found Terra after I met you. And she didn't remember anything. So since you were looking for her I told her I was her father.
"LET ME GO YOU MONSTER!!!"yelled Sky.
"Hey guys no guest in here...Sky?"said Terra.
"Um Terra,"said Slade.
"Dad?! What are wearing?! Why do you have Sky tied up?!?!"asked Terra.
"Listen Terra he's not who you think he is he's lying-"
"Because it's your real name. He's lying to you. Please you have to help me and I will tell you everything. Get Beast Boy!"said Sky.
Slade kicked her chair over along with Sky. "Honey don't listen to her just go enjoy your party,"said Slade.
"NOW!!!"said Slade.
Terra left.
"Forget her. You know she doesn't even know how to use her powers anymore? What a waste! But know you are here,"said Slade.
"I will do nothing for you! I would rather DIE!!!!"said Sky.
"Would you rather she die,"said Slade motioning to the door Terra used to be standing at.
"You wouldn't,"said Sky.
"Oh yes I would,"said Slade,"I'll give you time to think about it." Then he left.

Teen TitansSeason 6Where stories live. Discover now