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It's been a week since my stay in this Kingdom. Everyone has been friendly and both me and Emily has been catching up with the Elvish standards. We still don't know how to speak elvish and I don't think Faeranduil wants us to.

Now that we stopped the manners class, we have a free period in the morning I think you could say. I and Emily would roam around the vast Kingdom and people would give us warm greetings and free amazing stuffs which we would turn down kindly.
'Do you remember the time we were offered a jewel ring. I would have taken it if you hadn't stomped me y'know' said Emily wistfully. 'It was too gracious of the elf vendor. That thing looked hella expensive. But you did get a small clip' I said. Emily took out the pure gold clip and admired it. 'True but I wouldn't be too happy about it cuz look.... the king just gave you an 'effing amethyst necklace. It looks so... fab. I mean they do not look ordinary'.

I pulled out the necklace from my robes and held it to the sunlight which was now glowing red?

But this was a deep plum coloured. 'The hell....it changes colour too....oh I'm jealous' exclaimed Emily. Yeah maybe it really changes colours I thought shrugging.

We walked into the kitchen for food. The chefs had already collected a few pastries for us cuz they knew we used to sneak food. Guess no tricks go pass Silvan Elves. We collected our share and went to our hiding spot.

'Dont you think the bush has grown a little bushier than before?' asked Emily while pulling at the small twigs that were in her hair. I nodded. From afar I saw Airen sword fighting Luthiann. Both were skilled and I don't think their fight would soon.

He not only has my attention but also the other elven ladies and Emily's too. I almost looked at him wistfully. Emily might have realised the look cuz she said 'Girl I don't know why your so shy to say to him you like him. I mean c'mon... he's like obviously crushing over you'.

I smirked and replied 'Yeah right. The kings personal assistant slash bodyguard slash friend is crushing over me'. 'Bitch you were never good with sarcasm in the first place so I advice you to be as non cocky as possible' she said with a side grin. I playfully shoved her into the bush. She groaned with anger while again pulling the twigs from her hair.

Then she said 'Well what I said is true. Airen does like you. While you were dancing the whole night with Daemeon, Airen was calculating the next person he had to dance with and positioned himself to have you. But Daemeon did not let you go and poor Airen did not have a chance to dance with you. He actually stormed from the ball after that. Honestly I think your both dumb and lucky. I mean c'mon how often do you get to have two hot elf boys drooling over you'. 'Shut up they are not drooling over me' is said blushing. She shrugged. I hadn't yet told her about the incident with Daemeon. I mean it's better I don't cuz I don't want the whole Kingdom to know about.

We walked towards the fight which hadn't even ended. Airen and Luthiann were gracefully swinging and smashing swords. But when we reached there Airen suddenly looked at me and might have gotten distracted and Luthiann suddenly pointed the tip of the sword at his exposed neck.

Airen grunted defeated and walked away without a second glance at anyone. Luthiann turned around to see us. She realised me standing there and smirked knowingly. 'So that is why Airen lost his concentration' said Luthiann grinning at me. Emily looked at me with Told - You - So expression. I blushed again and rolled my eyes.

We thought of going to the kingdom for another walk. So we asked Luthiann's permission. She agreed with a "come before the evening" curfew. We packed a few sweets we took from the kitchen. But instead of going straight out of the palace gate, we roamed around the garden taking in the unusual sights and rare smells of unknown flowers and plants.

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