three is better than one

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The Dream team. The smartest, athletes, total hotties. They were walking down the hallway practically girls falling on them.
"So, did you hear there's transfer student from Y/S 《your state》?" Nick says, also know as Sapnap. He was around 5'9 and was the funniest on the group.
"No, I didn't. Where'd you find out?" Clay says, also know as Dream. The tallest one of the group, and the athlete, he could smile and wink and all the girls would be tripping for him.
"Really? Do you think it's a guy or a girl or whatever?" George says, he was the bubbliest of the group.

You sighed and opened the HighSchool door. The chatter of people echoed through the halls. You kept your head down and walked to the front office. The office lady was looking down and typing random things in the computer.
"Um, Mrs.? I need to see Mr. Stuart the principal?" She looked over at you and yelped. "Of course! The new student. What's your name, baby?" The now nice office lady said looking through documents. "The names Y/N L/N." A young man walked out of and office and the office lady spinned in her chair and got up. "Sir, the new student needs help to their classes." The man put his arms up, also known as Mr. Stuart. "Ah, yes. Y/N follow me to your first period class." Mr. Stuart says, you nodded and began walking with him in silence. You had made it to 313 and he opened the door and talked to your new teacher named, Ms. Wilson. You had made it to your seat and readjusted  your mask. You sat down and moved around a bit to get comfortable. The teacher smacked a ruler on het able and began talking, "Good Morning students, as you know we have a new student named Y/N make her comfortable in this class." The teacher smiled and a couple students scoffed. You caught eye contact with Clay and shook your head and went back to writing your math problems. The class bell had rung and you picked up your books and began walking out of the classroom with other students.

You had to go to the bathroom, so you began walking to it and a strong force grabbed onto your wrist. You kicked the body with your leg and you scurried to the bathroom stall. You sat down on the toilet and did your business. It was lunch time so you walked to the cafeteria. You got into the long lunch line and stood there bouncing on your heels a couple times. A person had tapped on your shoulder and you turned around to find George.
"Oh, Hello there." You said looking up at his gaze.
"Hello, the names George. I ditched my friends but still didn't make it even close the front." George said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. You snorted a laugh and began talking again, "Wow, that sucks would you like to be friends?" You were acting bold suddenly. "Yeah, of course" The British man said. You two were talking about life, video games, school all of that jazz. He seemed very nice and you had made it to the lunch pick-up spot and got white pasta, a apple, and a water.
"Where would you like to sit, George?" You said eyeing the tables.
"I sit at the "popular kid table" it only consists of two girls and my friends." George said and you two began to walk toward it. You sat down and scooted and bit for George to sit next to you. You dug into your pasta and smelled the amazing smell.
"So, where'd you move from?" George asked biting into his own food. "Oh I moved from _____"

"That's cool. Here let me introduce you to my friends. Clay this is Y/n Y/n this is Clay, Nick this is Y/n Y/n this is Nick." You had noticed that both of them had been blushing aggressively.
"George, we have Physical education, can we go?" Clay said throwing his food away in trash cans. "Yeah, C'mon Y/N"
You got up and threw your lunch away and sprinted to the boys. You had made it to the locker rooms and walked in and was hit with sweat and rose perfume. Wasn't the best. You walked to your locker and slipped your shirt and shorts off and put the clothes on for P.E. You sighed and saw that you were going to play volleyball.  You had been playing Volleyball since you were 8. You ran to the coach and he directed you to your spot. You were the setter. You crouched down and got a couple stares from guys you flipped them off. The couch blew the whistle. You ran around and served the ball and absolutely dominated all of the guys there.
"Damn, y/n. You're good." Clay said nudging you. "By the way y/n. Would you like to come to the boys sleepover?" You nodded and got his address and ran home.

"Mama, I'm home." You set your coat down and ran upstairs and got a backpack for your clothes. It had been the time for you to go, you grabbed your car keys and drove to the address. You had made it and you shut off your car. You sat for a moment then got out letting the late, cold wind hit your face making your eyes water. You ran to the porch and knocked on the door. A woman had opened it and you smiled, "Does Clay ___ live here?" "Oh, yes. He's upstairs." You walked inside and the house smelt of pumpkin and peach. You walked upstairs keeping your hand on the railing.

I look at the door that says, "Clay's Room" I knock on the door and it opens to them two with their shirts off in sweatpants watching a documentary. "AH! Fucking hell put shirts on" you say covering your eyes. "Sorry Y/N. George is in the bathroom. But the three of us have a question." Clay says scratching his locks and putting his iconic green sweatshirt on. George turns the bathroom light off and closes the door.

"So Y/N. We've known each other for about 3 weeks. And we're wondering, we all like you and would you like to be our girlfriend?" Clay says looking at George and Nick. "Um, Sure." I say.

Their eyes bright up, and they run to you and hug you. "C'mon let's go lay down. It's late." You say pushing them off. All four of you go to Clay's bed and lay down. You were in-between Clay and Nick and George was in-between your thighs. You fell asleep then was woken up by a alarm clock blaring in your ears. You got up and put your school outfit on which consisted of a skirt and a crop top. As of which, the two were allowed at school. You kissed the boys cheeks trying to get them up. Clay got up first and kissed you, you giggled, "Good Morning to you too." "Good morning." Clay said brushing his teeth. All the boys got ready and you guys walked to school.

You walked in school and took Nick's hand since you were hanging out with him for the first part of school. The two of you sat down in the hallway and you laid your head on Nick's chest. You saw that Clay was coming down the hallway with his buddy and you kissed Nick's cheek and ran to Clay. You did your cute grabby hands and he kissed you and you walked together.
"Clay? Can we go to lunch I'm hungry." You said holding his hand up. "Sure, C'mon" The two of you aye lunch with Clay's buddy, he was giving you the death stare. You laid on Clay's shoulder and hummed. You looked at your watch and kissed Clay and whispered, "It's Georgie's time."

You made it over to George and kissed his cheek and smiled, "So how's the Minecraft tournaments?" "Stressful" George answered. You looked in aw and held his hand, "If it gets stressful just don't compete." The lunch bell rung and you kissed George and walked out and was yelled at by Clay's friend, "You fucking whore, dating my friend, cheating on him in plain sight." He said "confronting" you. You laughed it off and walked to Clay and pulled on his hoodie sleeve. "Clayy I'm bored." All of your boyfriends sat down next to you and you cuddled with them gaining heat from all of them. You smiled and fell asleep with everyone not getting it.

♡●¤☆°♡《If anything is wrong send it in my inbox love.》♤°☆¤•♡

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