35- Aelin

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It has been one year without aborynn and i finally did it. All our hard work and we can finally be free.

"SAM! SAM! SAM!" i yell into the house.

He comes running out of the living room. Ready for a fight. He sees the smile on my face and puts down his weapons.

"Mothers tits celena you scared the living shit out of me" he grumbles.

"I DID IT!" i yell

His eyes snap up to me "you did?" he asks.

I nod and he runs over to me. He picks me up and spins me in his arms.

"We can be free" i say. Tears forming in my eyes. 

"We can be free" he says breathlessly "i love you so much" 

"I love you too" i reply

He lets out a cheer into the sky and i copy. We can finally be free.

We get out our two trunks where we keep all the money for our debts. We open it up and add what is left into them. He goes to seal them but i stop him.

"What?" he asks, confused.

"Lets leave a note. Something along the lines of Fuck you?" i look at him "does that work?" 

"Celena if we do that he will just send Ferran to kill us" he says.

"Let him try" i reply with a wild grin.

"No" he says simply

"Finnnnnee" i drawl and we seal the lid.

We send for a delivery and someone comes and takes them. Sam and i wait a minute before following the cart. We don't want them stealing. We follow them in the right direction where we sent them. Of course it isn't the assassins keep. It is just a warehouse Aborynn uses. We get there and they drop of the boxes. We wait until they leave to enter the warehouse. When we get there Aborynn is waiting. How does he know?

"Here is your money Aborynn. We are no longer in debt to you" i say loudly

"Of course Dear Celena. But you may not want to cut ties with me just yet. You must want to know the truth about your family. Why the Night court Calls you Aelin. Why you cant remember where you lived with your other family. Why you can't remember their faces. But only their screams. Dont you want the truth Aelin?" he says with a melodic tone.

"You are lying" i snarl "you just don't want sam and i to take over the Assassin business. You just want money and power. But we are free"

"If i am lying Aelin then what colour was your youngest sisters eyes. Her hair. Her skin. Her smile. Her laugh. Her name" he say with a venomous grin easing over his face.

"Her name was" i stumble "i cant remember"

"Of course you can't. Because they are not real. They never were. And you will never know the truth about them. Because the only way is to trust the night court. And that is the one thing you could never do" he pretends to remember something "oh and protect your new family" he snaps his fingers and a strong wind passes over me. Gloriella. "Sam RUN" i yell but it is to late. Three assassins have overpowered him already. "SAM" 

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